How-To's Tableau Techniques

Advanced What-If Analysis in Tableau

What-if analysis is an extremely powerful tool for decision making. Being able to explore different scenarios and understand the potential impact on your business is critical when deciding if, when, and how to implement changes. But if you have ever tried building this type of tool in Tableau, chances are, you have run into a few limitations.

When your simulations are limited to changing a single data point or a single measure, parameters are a helpful way to calculate the impact of that change. For example, if you wanted to increase the price of all of your products by a specific percentage, you can use a parameter to play with that percentage and see the overall impact. Ok, but what if there is a change in costs that is driving the need to adjust prices? Well, I guess you could use two parameters. But what if those changes aren’t uniform across all of your products? How do you change some, but not others, and how do you apply different changes to different sets of products? Well, at this point, most people will dump their data into Excel and do the work there. But I’m here to tell you that there is a better way.

This technique still leverages parameters, but all of the changes are stored in a single, long, string parameter. You can make as many changes as you want and all of the data is stored in one giant string. Then, there are a number of calculations you can use to parse that string into usable fields.

If you are a frequent visitor to this blog, you probably know that a lot of my blog posts are about building Useless Charts. Funny enough, I figured out this technique when I was attempting to build possibly the most useless chart of all time; a functioning Rubik’s Cube in Tableau. I have since used the same technique in several other other Tableau Public visualizations, including Checkers and the Tableau Drawing Tool. So although we’re going to be walking through a specific use case today, this same technique can be applied to countless other situations. So I’m going to focus mostly on the technique, and less on this specific use case.

What-If Scenario

Here is the scenario we are going to look at today. Our user wants to select a group of stores, and then be able to make the following changes to any Product Category, Product Sub-Category, Manufacturer, or individual Product. The user should be able to

  1. Apply a percentage price change (ex. +/- 10%)
  2. Apply a specific price change (ex. New Price = $5)
  3. Apply a percentage change to units to account for the impact to demand from the price change
  4. Apply a percentage change to unit cost
  5. Measure the impact to Revenue, Cost of Goods Sold, and Profit by Store, by Product Category, and Overall

Well, it just so happens that I recently published a visualization for this exact scenario. I would recommend downloading the workbook from here if you want to follow along. Here is a quick look at that this tool in action.

A gif demonstrating the described use case in a dashboard available on Tableau Public

In the GIF above, I made the following changes to all of the stores in Massachusetts and Connecticut

  1. For the Sub-Category “Phones”, I increased the price by 10% and reduced the expected units by 5%
  2. For the Product “Canon imageClass…” I changed the price to $3,500
  3. For the Product “Fellowes PB500 Electric…” I changed the price to $1,000 and reduced the expected units by 3%
  4. For the Manufacturer “Hon”, I increased the Unit Cost by 5%
  5. For the Sub-Category “Chairs”, I reduced the price by 10% and increased the expected units by 4%

In a matter of minutes I was able to make adjustments to different groups of products, change different metrics for each group by different amounts, and then view the overall impact to Revenue, Cost of Goods Sold, and Profit. And all without ever leaving Tableau.

The Data Source

The data for this example is very simple, and can be downloaded here. The granularity for the data source is by store and by product, with 1 record for each store/product combination. We have a few store attributes (State, City, Region, and Store ID), a few product attributes (Category, Sub-Category, Manufacturer, and Product Name), and our measures (Current Price, R12 Units, R12 Sales, and Current Unit Cost)

The Simulation Options

As I mentioned before, this technique can apply to countless scenarios. The technique will stay the same, but the options will change depending on your situation. For my use case, I separated the options into 3 groups; Store Selection, Product Selection, and Scenario Adjustments. Your use case may, and most likely will, call for completely different options. But I will touch on the Sets & Parameters I used for my example use case

Store Selection

For my use case I used two sets; one for selecting state(s) and one for selecting store(s). The reason I chose to use sets instead of filters is so that you could apply the changes to certain stores (and not others) and then view the company wide impact. Keep in mind, that this approach will not let you apply different changes to different stores. All changes will be applied to all of the selected stores. However, if that was a requirement, you could adjust your options to be able to do that.

Product Selection

The requirements for this tool called for being able to adjust prices at 4 different product “levels”, or groups of products. So the first option I added was to select that Product Level. I chose to use an Integer parameter with values 1 to 4, with each number assigned to a different Product Level ( 1=Product Category, 2=Product Sub-Category, 3=Product, and 4=Manufacturer)

An image showing how the Product Level parameter is configured

Next, I created a simple case statement to return the appropriate values depending on which Product Level is selected and called this [Product]

A screenshot of the Product calculation

And finally, I created a set using the [Product] field called [Product Set]. Even if you are using just a single field for your use case (instead of the 4 I have here), you will still want to create a Set to be used for the selection on the dashboard (or you can use a Parameter).

In order to add my Sets to my dashboard (so users could make their selections), they need to be on a worksheet that is on the dashboard. I created a hidden worksheet called “Options” that has all 3 of my sets either on Detail, or on the Filter Shelf (the State Set is on the Filter Shelf so that the options in the Store Set are limited to the selected States). There is also 1 other field on the Filter Shelf that we will revisit later. This is to remove products from the list that have already been adjusted. I added this sheet as a Floating object to my dashboard, and set it so that the X and Y coordinates were 0,0 and the Height/Width were 1,1.

Its important to note that for this technique to work, you must limit the selection for the thing you want to change, in this case [Product], to a single selection at a time. When displaying this Set on the dashboard, make sure to select “Single Value (dropdown)” and in the “Customize” menu, de-select the “Show All Value” option.

Scenario Adjustments

For my use case there were 3 measures that we need to adjust; Price, Units, and Cost. The Price one is a little more complicated than the rest. If you are adjusting the price for an entire Product Category, you would probably want to apply a % change. But if you were adjusting the price for a single product, then you would probably want to enter a specific price. So my use case is built to handle both of these situations.

The first option is to choose how you want to adjust the price, either proportionally (with a % change), or by setting an exact price. Similar to the Product Level parameter, this is an Integer Parameter where 1=Proportional and 2=Exact.

An image of how the Price Adjustment Type Parameter is configured

Next, I have 2 separate parameters for the Pricing Adjustment and I am using Dynamic Zone Visibility to display the appropriate one depending on which Price Adjustment Type is selected. These are both ‘Float’ types, but one is formatted as Currency and one is formatted to display as a percentage.

Finally, I have 2 more ‘Float’ type parameters for my last two options; one for the unit adjustment %, and one for the unit cost adjustment %.

This is completely optional, but for my 3 parameters that are based on % change (proportional price change, unit change, and unit cost change), I wanted to make it a little easier on the user to enter the percentages. For a change of 10.5% instead of having them type .105, I set it up so that they could type 10.5. Visually, I did that with the help of custom formatting, and then I’ll adjust that value with a calculation later on.

A screenshot showing the Custom Formatting +0.0"%";-.0"%";0"%"

Capturing the Adjustments

Now on to the fun part. We have set up our dashboard with all of the options we want for our users, now we just need to capture their inputs. The first thing we need to do is to create one more parameter to store all of the user selections. I’m going to call this [String – Saved], it’s going to be a String Type parameter, and the default value will be a ‘|’. I would recommend creating a calculated field with just ‘|’ and setting that field in the ‘Value when workbook opens’ option.

An image showing how the String - Saved Parameter is configured

I’m using ‘|’ because it’s a character that is unlikely to show up in any product names. Each Product (or group of products) that is adjusted will be stored in this string, and they will be separated with a ‘|’. Think of each Product as a section in the string, and that section will contain the Product, and all of the other options set by the user for that Product. These options, within each section, will be separated by another character that is unlikely to appear in the Product Name. I typically use a ‘~’. An example with 2 Products (Sub-Category=Chairs and Manufactuer=Hon) adjusted would look something like this:

Building the String

There are a few things we need to do here. First, we need to create a calculated field to capture all of the current selections by the user. And second, we need a calculated field that combines that value with all of the changes that have already been saved.

String – Current

Here is my calculation to capture all of the user’s current selections. Note, that your calculation will likely look much different. Since this won’t be a copy and paste situation, I’ll walk through the structure of this calculation so you can modify it to fit your needs. Note that because this is a String parameter, you’ll need to Cast all of your numeric parameter values as string using STR(). Also, each line of the calculation, except for the last one, ends with adding ‘~’ to separate that input in the string.

A screenshot showing how the String - Current calculation is constructed for this use case

Line 1 – [Current Product] is a calculated field to capture what is selected in the [Product Set].

Line 2 – This casts the Product Level parameter (which is an integer) as a String. The Product Level parameter is the integer parameter that let’s users choose between Product Category, Product Sub-Category, Manufacturer, and Product.

Line 3 – This casts the Price Adjustment Type parameter (which is an integer) as a String. The Price Adjustment Type parameter is the integer parameter that allows users to choose between adjusting a price proportionally, or setting an exact price.

Line 4 – [Price Adjustment – Dynamic] is a calculated field that returns the value of either the Proportional or Exact parameter depending on what is selected for the Price Adjustment Type, and casts it as a String

*You will notice that this line of the calculation is rounded and multiplied by 100. The same is true with the next two lines. The reason for this is that Tableau does not handle rounding well when you are casting a decimal value as a string. You can round to 0 decimal points just fine, but are not able to round to 2, 3, etc. So this part of the calculation multiplies the value by 100 and then rounds to 0 decimal places (which would be the equivalent of rounding to 2 decimal points once you translate it back to a decimal value later on). If you need to be more precise than 2 decimal places, you can increase this value to 1000, 10000, etc.

Line 5 – This casts the Unit Adjustment parameter (which is Float) as a String

Line 6 – This casts the Cost Adjustment parameter (which is Float) as a String

Now you have a string that captures all of the current selections/options, with each option separated by a ‘~’. Here is an example:

  • Product = Chairs
  • Product Level = Sub-Category (parameter value = 2)
  • Price Adjustment Type = Adjust Proportionally (parameter value = 1)
  • Price Adjustment = +10%
  • Unit Adjustment = -4.5%
  • Cost Adjustment = +2%

Our string would look like this:


  • Chairs = The current Product Selection
  • 2 = the Product Level parameter value (Sub-Category)
  • 1 = the Price Adjustment Type parameter value (Adjust Proportionally)
  • 1000 = 10 X 100 rounded to 0 decimal places
  • -450 = -4.5 X 100 rounded to 0 decimal places
  • 200 = 2 X 100 rounded to 0 decimal places

As I mentioned before, this calculation is going to look different depending on your use case, but the format should be the same. It’s the thing your changing + all of the different options you are giving the user, with each piece of the calculation separated by a ‘~’ (or another similarly unused character).

String – Full

This calculation is far simpler, and you should be able to copy and paste this no matter what your set up looks like. All it is doing is taking the [String – Current] value that you just built, and adding it to what has already been saved in the [String – Saved] parameter. So you build a string with all of the current options, then hit the “Save” button to add that string to the rest of the changes. This is how the string continues to build.

Let’s say the string we built above was our 1st change. The result of the [String – Full] calc would be this. It’s just our [String – Current] value with a Post on each end

Image 1 of the String Building Example

Now, let’s say we saved that change and then decided to increase the price of all Phones by 5%. Now our string calculations would look something like this.

Image 2 of the string building example

Now the [String – Current] field has the selections for the Phones that we are currently working on, and the [String – Full] field has the selections for the Phones, and the selections for the Chairs that we already saved.

Saving the String

Now that we have our string, we need to build the mechanism to save it. This is pretty straightforward. You just build a worksheet with some type of button and drag the [String – Full] field to Detail. I’m using a Custom Shape, but you can also use any of the native Tableau Shapes or even Text. Customize it however you would like.

Then add that sheet to your dashboard and add a Parameter Action to update the [String – Saved] Parameter with the [String – Full] Field.

An image showing how the Save_String Dashboard Action is configured

You can also add additional Parameter Actions from this ‘Save’ button. In my sample dashboard I am setting all of the Options back to 0 and clearing the Product Set each time this button is clicked. This gives the user a clean slate for each change and reduces the risk of applying unintended changes. I am also using the ‘Filter Action‘ technique to disable the highlighting when you click this button.

Parsing the String

We’re about half-way there. We have the ability to save all of the user’s selections but we still need to get that data into a usable format. The first thing we need to do is to identify which records in our data source are being adjusted. We’re going to do this by testing each of the Product Level fields (in this case those fields are Product Category, Product Sub-Category, Product, and Manufacturer) to see if they contain the Products in our String. This formula will change depending on your use case, but the basic premise is to check all of the fields that could have been used to populate the [Thing You’re Changing] in the [String – Current] calculation to see if there is a match. And if there is a match, to return that value. Here is my calculation called [Parse – Product].

Line 1 tests the Product Name field to see if that value exists anywhere in the [String – Full] calculation, Line 2 tests the Sub-Category field, Line 3 tests the Manufacturer field, and Line 4 tests the Category field. The result of this calculation will be the appropriate Product Level value for any records that are being adjusted, and will be NULL for all records that are not being adjusted.

And notice that it is not just looking for the field value in [String – Full], it’s looking for that value with a ‘|’ at the front and a ‘~’ at the end (since this is how we built our String). This ensures that it is an exact match, and excludes partial matches. An example of this would be if we had two products, one named ‘Binder Clips‘ and one named ‘Binder Clips 2-pack‘. If we made changes to ‘Binder Clips 2-pack‘ (ex. string would be |Binder Clips 2-pack~3~1~500~0~0) and not ‘Binder Clips‘, then ‘Binder Clips‘ would still return as a match, since that Product Name is contained in the String (even though it’s not an exact match). The string would contain ‘Binder Clips‘, but it would not contain ‘|Binder Clips~‘ so it would not return as a match.

Continuing on with our Phones|Chairs example, you can see below that the [Parse – Product] calculation will return the value ‘Phones’ for any products where the Sub-Category = ‘Phones’, ‘Chairs’ for any products where the Sub-Category = ‘Chairs’, and NULL for all other records.

A screenshot showing the results of the Parse - Product calculation

Next, we want to isolate the appropriate section of the [String-Full] field for each Product. I’m going to do this with a Regex calculation, but it could also be done with FIND/MID. Here is my calculation called [Parse – Product String]

This REGEX calculation will look to the [String – Full] field and capture everything starting at, and including, the value that was returned in the [Parse – Product] calculation, up through the first ‘|’. With this calculation in place, we now have all of the options selected by the user, in a single field, in the appropriate rows.

A screenshot showing the results of the Parse - Product String calculation

Now all we need to do is parse this single field into individual fields, which can easily be done with the SPLIT() function. We already have product, so we don’t need to split the first value, which leaves 5 remaining fields. If you look back at how we constructed our string, the order of these fields is 1. Product Level, 2. Price Adjustment Type, 3. Price Adjustment, 4. Unit Adjustment, 5. Cost Adjustment. So we will create a calculated field for each of these.

There are 2 additional calculations you can build here but they are completely optional. They are only used to get an Order of the products in the string. I would recommend building these for two reasons. It will allow you to sort the Products on your dashboard if you are displaying all of the changes, and it will let you separate the Product that is currently being adjusted vs ones that have already been saved. I like to separate these in the dashboard so users can review the impact in a separate table before saving the change.

The first calculation will look at the [String – Full] field and return everything to the left of the [Parse – Product String]. The second calculation will count the number of ‘|’ that appear in that value to calculate the Order.

At this point we have captured every single option entered by the user, for every product (or group of products), and we have all of those values separated out into individual fields for the appropriate rows. Pretty cool right?

A screenshot showing all Parse fields in a table

Applying the Changes

Our next step, now that we have captured all of the changes and parsed them into usable fields, is to apply those changes so our users can view the impact. This can be done with just a few relatively simple calculation.

Determine Which Rows to Adjust

Our first few calculations are row-level calcs that determine if our changes should be applied to that row. We will build one calc to test if a specific Store should be included, another calc to test if a specific product should be included, and then one last calc that combines them.

First, our [Selected Store Filter] is just a boolean calc that tests to see if a store is in the State Set and in the Store Set. I am including a check on both sets because if a user selects just a state, and doesn’t change anything in the Store set, I want to make sure that it captures just the Stores in the selected State(s).

Our next calc, [Selected Product Filter] is another simple boolean calc that tests to see if a specific product was included in any of the adjustments. For this, we’ll go back to one of our previous calcs. The [Parse – Product] field will only be populated when that product was included in the adjustments. So if it’s not NULL, then it’s included.

Now we’ll just combine those into one more boolean calc, so we don’t have to address them separately in the rest of the calculations. We’ll call this [Row Adjust] and it will be a boolean value telling us whether or not the values in that specific row should be adjusted or not.

Apply the Changes

Now we know which rows we should adjust, and which rows shouldn’t change. The next step is to create calculated fields to adjust the 3 measures that we gave our users the ability to change; Price, Units, and Cost. These are all relatively simple, but the Price one is a little more complicated because we gave the users multiple options for adjusting it. Let’s start with that one.

The [Price – Adj] field will look like this. Line 1 checks to see if the row should be adjusted. If it should NOT be adjusted, then it returns the value of the [Price] field, which represents the current Price. Line 2 checks to see if there was a price change at all (it’s possible that the user just modified the units or cost to see the impact). If they did not change the price, the value of the Price Change Parameters would have stayed at 0. So if that value is 0, once again, we’ll return the current [Price]. Next, if the user had selected to enter an Exact price ([Price Adjustment Type]=2) then we’ll use the value that was entered. And finally, if the user had selected to enter a Proportional Change ([Price Adjustment Type]=1), then multiply the current [Price] by 1+ the % Change.

The [Units – Adj] and [Unit Cost – Adj] calculations are much more straightforward as the user could only enter a % change for these. For both of these calculations, if the row should be adjusted, we’ll multiply the current value * 1 + the % change, and if the row should not be adjusted, we’ll keep the current value.

Measure the Impact

If we go back to the requirements for this dashboard, the users wanted to be able to measure the impact on Revenue, Cost, and Profit. So our next step is to calculate estimates for those values based on the current Price, Units, and Unit Cost, and estimates for those values based on the new Price, Units, and Unit Cost.

There are a lot of ways you can do this, but I am just going to use the Rolling 12 month Units, and the current Price and Cost to calculate our baseline. You could also use different lengths of time, or use forecasts in place of actuals. But this analysis is basically comparing what our Revenue, Profit, and COGS would look like if we sold the exact same units as we did last year, at our current Price and Cost, versus what our Revenue, Profit, and COGS would look like if we applied all of our adjustments.

These are all very simple calculations. Let’s start by calculating the Estimated Revenue, Estimated COGS, and Estimated Profit for our baseline.

Now we’ll repeat the exact same calculations, but with our ‘Adjusted’ measures

And now we can compare our baseline to our estimates from all of the applied changes

And that’s it! Now you can aggregate these measures any way you want to show the impact at different levels (Overall, by Store, by Product Category, etc.)

Optional (but Encouraged) Enhancements

But we aren’t quite done yet. There are a few other ‘Optional’ Enhancements I would recommend incorporating into your dashboard. At the very least, I would strongly encourage you to build in 1 thru 3 from the list below, and at the absolute minimum, add number 1. But they don’t take very long, and they make for a better user experience, so go ahead and add them all.

1. Block Products From Being Selected Again After Adjustment

The way this technique is set up, because the string we are working off of is a combination of ‘Saved’ adjustments, and the ‘Current’ adjustment, it can act a little strange if the Product that is currently selected is already in the Saved String. Basically, this Product will appear twice and the ‘Current’ will override the ‘Saved’. There are 2 different ways this can happen.

  1. After you click the ‘Save’ button, the same Product is still selected. So even though you have Saved that change, it won’t show up in your Saved changes, because it’s appearing twice in the string (once for the Current and once for the Saved). Once you select a different Product, you’ll see that Product show up in the Saved Changes. This can be really confusing for the user.
  2. If you have already adjusted a Product, but then manually select that same Product from the list again.

To combat number 1, we just need to add one additional Action to our ‘Save’ button. Make sure that the [Product Set] is on Detail on your Save button. Also, make sure that it is showing as ‘Product Set’ and not ‘IN/OUT (Product Set)’. If it is showing as ‘IN/OUT…’, just right click on that field and select ‘Show Members in Set’. Then we are going to create a Set Action that clears our Product Set when you click on the Save button. The Set Action should look like this. And don’t worry about the Warning at the bottom, the Action will still function as intended (if you want to get rid of the error, you can put [Product] on Detail, just make sure that you are filtering the Save sheet to what is in the set so your button doesn’t duplicate. But this isn’t necessary as it will still work with the error showing).

An image showing how the Clear Product Set Action is configured

Once this action is in place, when you click the ‘Save’ button, the selection in the Product Set will go to ‘None’ and your adjustments will show up in the ‘Saved’ changes.

To combat number 2, we just need to add a filter to our ‘Options’ sheet. This is the sheet we built at the beginning of this process to be able to display our Sets on the dashboard. To start, we are going to create a calculated field, similar to our [Parse – Product] calculation, but in this case, we only want to check the [String – Saved], not the [String – Full], which contains the Saved and Current adjustments. This is exactly the same as [Parse – Product], but we’re going to swap out those two fields and call it [Parse – Product – Adj]

Similar to the [Parse – Product] field, this field will return the appropriate value if it exists in the Saved changes, and Null if it’s not in the Saved Changes. So we can just drag this field onto our Filter Shelf, filter on NULL and then add that filter to Context. Then, on our Dashboard, right click on the Product Set and choose the ‘All Values in Context’ option. Now, once a Product has been saved, it cannot be selected again.

2. Displaying Current vs Saved Changes

When I am using this technique in a dashboard, I like to show all of the relevant information for the changes in Tables, so the user has a clear view of everything that has been adjusted and how those adjustments are impacting the overall metrics. I also like to separate the adjustment they are currently working on from the ones that have already been saved. The good news is, if you went ahead and built the 2 additional Parse fields earlier in this process, [Parse – Left String] and [Parse – Product Order], this is really easy to do. If you decided to skip those steps, I would go back to that section now and create those.

Once those calculations are available, you can filter on [Parse – Product Order]=1 to get the ‘Current’ change, and then in a separate sheet, exclude 1 and NULL to get all of the ‘Saved’ changes. I also like to sort my Saved Changes in Ascending Order on the [Parse – Product Order] field, so that the most recent Saved changes always appear the top.

I also set up my tables using multiple Axes, rather than using Measure Names/Values, so I have more control over how I can display the information. My table for Saved Changes would look something like this. This table design also helps with #3 on the list, which we’ll discuss next.

A screenshot showing a sample table format

3. Add option to Remove changes

One important feature that I like to add is the ability to ‘Remove’ a change once it’s saved. In #1 we made it so that users can’t select a Product that has already been adjusted, so in order for them to change an adjustment, they’ll need a mechanism for deleting it from the ‘Saved’ changes. Because I set up my table using multiple axes, I can leverage one of these to add a ‘Remove’ button.

In my example, I am using a custom shape, but you can use whatever you would like here (custom shape, native shape, text, etc.). We’re then going to create one additional calculated field called [Remove – String] and add this to Detail on that last axes.

This calculation will be used to update the [String – Saved] parameter with a modified string that replaces the whole string for the selected product with just a “|”. It will essentially ‘Delete’ that Product from the [String – Saved] parameter. Once this field is on Detail, we just need to create one additional Parameter Action driven from our Saved Changes worksheet.

An image showing how the Remove Dashboard Action is configured

After adding this action, users will be able to click on the ‘Remove’ button you’ve added to remove it from their Saved Changes. One thing to keep in mind is that clicking on any of the Row Headers will also remove that row. Because of that, I will typically float a Blank object over the table, covering everything except for the ‘Remove’ column.

4. Reset button

This is a nice feature, but not completely necessary. Since this will most likely be used on Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud, the user could just refresh the browser if they wanted to start over. But to make it a little easier for the user, I put a ‘Clear Selections’ button right on the dashboard. This is just a sheet, with a custom shape for the button, that uses a series of Dashboard Actions to reset all of the Parameters

5. Hiding Save button until changes are made

This is another completely optional feature. I like to hide the ‘Save’ button until the user has actually made some type of change. This just helps to avoid accidentally saving something before the user finishes with their adjustments. For this, I am using Dynamic Zone Visibility, and using a calculated field called [Show Save Button]. This calculation checks all of the different Adjustment parameters to see if a value has been entered or if they are all still set to 0.


That about covers it. This is a pretty complicated technique, but it can be an extremely powerful tool for your users. As I mentioned a few times throughout this post, this post walked through a specific use case, but this same technique can be applied to countless others. The specifics will change, but the overall process and technique will stay the same. No matter what the situation, these are the steps you will want to follow

  1. Build your Selection Options
    • For the ‘Thing that is being changed’, in this case ‘Product’, make sure that the user can only select one value at a time
      • You can use a Parameter, or a Set (but I recommend Set so you can remove products that have already been adjusted)
        • If you are using a Set, make sure that on the dashboard you choose ‘Single Value Dropdown’ and disable the ‘Show All’ option
    • Create a numeric parameter for each of the measures you want to adjust
  2. Capture the Selections
    • Use a calculated field to capture the ‘Current’ adjustments in a string
      • Make sure that the ‘Thing that is being changed’ appears first in the string. The order after that does not matter
      • Make sure to use unique characters to separate the data in your string
      • Make sure to cast all numeric values as strings. If you need to capture decimals, use the multiply and round approach from earlier in this post
    • Use a parameter to capture the ‘Saved’ adjustments
      • Build a ‘Save’ button that combines the ‘Current’ adjustments string with the ‘Saved’ adjustments string and pass that to your Saved String Parameter
        • Remember #1 from the Optional Enhancements section – Use additional actions to clear the Set/Parameters used for selections
  3. Parse the Data
    • Use the calculated fields in the ‘Parsing the String’ section to parse the selection string into usable fields
      • First, parse the ‘Thing that is being changed’
      • Second, capture the section of the full string for that ‘Thing that is being changed’, along with all of the other selections
      • Third, build one calculated field for each user option to parse that selection into it’s own field
      • Fourth, use the two calculated fields provided (Parse – Left String and Parse – Product Order) to calculate the order in which the ‘Things’ have been adjusted
  4. Apply the Changes
    • Determine which rows need to be adjusted
    • Use calculated fields to return the current value for rows that are not being adjusted, and the adjusted value for rows that are being adjusted
  5. Measure the Impact
    • Create calculated fields to create ‘baseline’ and ‘adjusted’ values
    • Create additional calculated fields to compare the ‘baseline’ to ‘adjusted’ values
  6. Visualize the Impact
    • Add visuals to your dashboard
      • I would recommend showing a table view of the ‘Saved’ and the ‘Current’ changes. I like to do this in separate tables
      • Build additional views to visualize the impact of the adjustments

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you use this technique in your work, please let me know. I am very interested to see some of the different applications of this technique. And, as always, if you have any questions about this post, or run into issues trying to implement this technique, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Thanks for reading!


How to use the Tableau Drawing Tool

This documentation was created by Joy Victor who had reached out about collaborating on this project. It is incredibly detailed and thorough, and I can’t thank her enough for all of the time and effort that she has put into it. Follow Joy on Twitter and LinkedIn


Tableau Drawing Tool is a free tool directly available in Tableau that lets you create custom designs by tracing images or drawing “freehand” directly in Tableau. 

With this tool, you can create custom shapes and incredible images. The Tableau Drawing Tool allows you to express your creativity on Tableau Public or Tableau Desktop.

This documentation gives you a walkthrough on how to use this tool and its features for your work. 

Other Resources:

  • Tour the workspace
  • Desktop Instructions
  • Public Instructions


The Tableau Drawing Tool is hosted on Tableau Public. To access the tool, click this link: 

Upon clicking the link, you are welcomed to the exceptional Tableau Drawing Tool. The workspace consists of different sections with lines, objects, buttons, and much more.

The Workspace

The workspace UI consists of three panes: Saved Objects, Menu, and Instructions.

  1. Saved Objects: Images and custom shapes (anything designed on the tool) are referred to as Objects. Objects appear on this pane and can be edited, hidden, or deleted.
  2. Menu: The menu pane contains directions on how to design based on Tableau Desktop or Tableau Public. Click the “Close Menu to Begin” button to open the Drawing Canvas.
  1. Instructions: This contains brief instructions on how to draw and design objects. You can click “View Instructions” to view more instructions or “Hide Instructions” to hide. The image below shows the display of the workspace when “View Instructions” is clicked.

Workspace Options

The workspace options give flexibility to draw and design objects of different shapes and sizes.

Export Button: Downloads all your design files including color palettes, calculations, and project string.
Undo button: Reverts action.
Grid Button: Displays or hides gridlines. Gridlines are also adjustable by pixels. 
Image Button: Displays or hides image to be traced.
Save Object Button: To save the current object. Once the object is saved, it will appear on the left side in the Saved Objects pane.
Close Menu to Begin Button: This opens the drawing Canvas and closes the menu. See Image 3
Clear & Restart Button: This button appears after the Close Menu to Begin Button is clicked. It is used to clear and restart the drawing as the name implies.
Canvas: This pane opens up to replace the Menu Pane(B). All drawings will be done on the Canvas pane.
Object Type: Specifies the geometric object to be drawn. Line, Poly(Polygon), Circle, and Square are the available selection options.   
Border: This option appears when either Poly, Circle, or Square is selected. It is a visible line that marks the boundary of the shape. Select Yes to display the border or No to hide it.
Line Thickness Slider: Use the slider to adjust the thickness of a line or border. 
Shape Color and Line Color: Use the Color Picker to select colors for your Line and/or Shape. Click on Line Color or Shape Color to choose colors. Select No Fill to remove colors. 
Object Layer: The Tableau Drawing Tool allows up to 5 layers to control how objects are stacked. Layer 1 is at the Top and Layer 5 is at the Bottom. Objects are stacked in the order they were added, with the first object at the top. 
Object Name: Assign a name to each object you create. This makes it easier to identify if you need to edit the object later.Tip: Assign the name before creating the object.
Precision: This option determines how precise the clicks are when drawing an object. It utilizes an invisible grid with selectable points. The higher the precision, the more points there are available. However, higher precision slows down performance.

Info Icon: Hover over the info icon for more details on the precision.The Lowest Precision option utilizes roughly 4,000 points. The Highest Precision option utilizes roughly 20,000 points.

Tip: Use low precision for free drawing basic shapes and/or objects that have mostly straight lines.Use high precision for small objects with a lot of curves.
Image Link: Paste a link in the Image Link box to trace a web-hosted image.
Load Project: Paste the Project String (See Page X) If you are loading a saved project, into the “Load Project” box below.


This section of the documentation gives you a step-by-step guide on how to draw a little mouse using Tableau Public. 

NB: This section only covers how to draw using Tableau Public. More sections in this documentation include:

  • How to Draw with Tableau Desktop
  • How to Export Images
  • How to Save and Resume Your Work
  • How to Trace a Web-hosted Image


  1. Close the Menu to open the drawing Canvas and begin
  2. Create the first ear
  3. Create the second ear
  4. Create the face
  5. Create the first eye
  6. Create the second eye
  7. Create the whiskers
  8. Export the project by clicking the Export button 

Click this link to access the Tableau Drawing Tool: 

1. Close the Menu to open the drawing Canvas and begin

2. Create the first ear

  • Name the first object, Ear 1
  • Click object type, Circle
  • Click two points to determine the size of the circle
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, blue
  • Save the object

3. Create the second ear

  • Name the object, Ear 2
  • Repeat the process above for the second ear

4. Create the face

  • Name the object, Face
  • Select Object Layer 2 to send the triangle behind the circles (ears)
  • Click object type, Line
  • Click three points to form a triangle
  • Change object type to Polygon by clicking on Poly
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, blue
  • Save the object

5. Create the first eye

  • Name the object, Eye 1
  • Select Object Layer 1 to have the eyes(circle) on the face(triangle)
  • Click object type, Circle
  • Click two points to determine the size of the circle
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, white
  • Save the object

6.  Create the second eye 

  • Name the object, Eye 2
  • Repeat the process above for the second eye

7. Create the whiskers

  • Name the object, Whiskers 1
  • Click object type, Line
  • Click two points to determine the length and angle of the whiskers
  • Save the object
  • Repeat this process for three more whiskers. Remember the name and save the objects.

8. Export the project by clicking the Export button 

  • Here, you can download all design files including; a data export (with everything needed to replicate this design in a new workbook), color palettes, calculations, and a project string that can be reused. 


This section of the documentation gives you a step-by-step guide on how to draw a little mouse using Tableau Desktop. 

NB: This section only covers how to draw using Tableau Desktop. More sections in this documentation include:

  • How to Draw with Tableau Public
  • How to Export Images
  • How to Save and Resume Your Work
  • How to Trace a Web-hosted Image


  1. Download the workbook
  2. Open the workbook on your local computer
  3. Create the first ear
  4. Create the second ear
  5. Create the face
  6. Create the first eye
  7. Create the second eye
  8. Create the whiskers
  9. Export the project by clicking the Export button 

1. Download the workbook

2. Open the workbook on your local computer 

  • Open the downloaded workbook
  • Switch to the presentation screen to view the entire drawing tool 
  • Alternatively, adjust the size or scroll down to view the entire drawing tool
  • Close the Menu to open the drawing Canvas and begin

3. Create the first ear

  • Name the first object, Ear 1
  • Click object type, Circle
  • Click two points to determine the size of the circle
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, blue
  • Save the object

4. Create the second ear

  • Name the object, Ear 2
  • Repeat the process above for the second ear

5. Create the face

  • Name the object, Face
  • Select Object Layer 2 to send the triangle behind the circles (ears)
  • Click object type, Line
  • Click three points to form a triangle
  • Change object type to Polygon by clicking on Poly
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, blue
  • Save the object

6. Create the first eye

  • Name the object, Eye 1
  • Select Object Layer 1 to have the eyes(circle) on the face(triangle)
  • Click object type, Circle
  • Click two points to determine the size of the circle
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, white
  • Save the object

7.  Create the second eye 

  • Name the object, Eye 2
  • Repeat the process above for the second eye

8. Create the Whiskers

  • Name the object, Whiskers 1
  • Click object type, Line
  • Click two points to determine the length and angle of the whiskers
  • Save the object
  • Repeat this process for three more whiskers. Remember the name and save the objects.

9. Save the project

  • Save the drawing like you would any regular Tableau viz.


Observe that the workspace layout looks slightly different on Tableau Desktop compared to Tableau Public. Here are some differences to take note of:

  • Drawing Tool Dashboard – This is where all drawings are made. It also houses hidden sheets to allow the drawing tool to function optimally. 
  • File Exports – This contains export information on your drawing.  It also houses hidden sheets to allow the drawing tool to function optimally. 
  • Your Project – This is the worksheet where your final drawing appears. This can be saved on your Tableau Public profile.


This step is necessary when using Tableau Public to draw or trace images. It contains the metadata of your drawings and allows for easy replication or transfer. File Export is available for use in the Tableau Public or Desktop version of the Drawing Tool. 

To export a drawing, take the following steps:

  1. Download the Tableau Workbook Template here 
  2. Click on the Export Files link at the top of the drawing tool
  3. Click the Export Files Button 
  4. Select the ‘Export-Data’ file and choose CSV for the format image.png
  5. In the Tableau Workbook Template, edit the existing Data Source and connect it to the ‘Export-Data’ file you just downloaded


To save and resume your work in Tableau Public, use the project string feature. Follow these steps to export and load your project string.

  1. Go to the Export Files page.
  2. Click the Export Files button.
  3. Select the Export-Project String file.
  4. To resume your design, open the Drawing Tool.
  5. Paste the entire string from the downloaded file into the Load Project box.
  6. Press Enter before closing the menu.


To trace an image from the web, start by selecting the image you wish to trace. Load the image to the Tableau Drawing Tool and trace it as you would in traditional image tracing.


  1. Select a minion image on the web
  2. Create the Eye Reflection
  3. Create the Pupil
  4. Create the Iris
  5. Create the Eyeball
  6. Create the Glasses
  7. Create the Left band
  8. Create the Right band
  9. Create the Mouth
  10. Create the Overalls
  11. Create the Head
  12. Create the Body
  13. Create the Background

1. Select a minion image on the web

2. Create the Eye Reflection

  • Click object type, Circle
  • Remove the border
  • Click two points to determine the size of the circle
  • Select the color, white
  • Name the first object, Eye reflection
  • Save the object

Create the Pupil

  • Repeat the process above for the Pupil
  • Select the color, black
  • Name the object, Pupil
  • Save the object

Create the Iris

  • Repeat the process above for the Iris
  • Select the color, brown
  • Name the object, Iris
  • Save the object

Create the Eyeball

  • Repeat the process above for the Eyeball
  • Select the color, brown
  • Name the object, Eyeball
  • Save the object

Create the Glasses

  • Click object type, Circle
  • Remove the border
  • Click two points to determine the size of the circle
  • Add the border
  • Click on No Fill
  • Select the color, Grey
  • Increase Line Thickness
  • Change Line Color to Grey
  • Name the object, Glasses
  • Save the object

 Create the Left band

  • Click object type, Square
  • Click two points from top left to bottom right to determine the size of the square
  • Remove the border
  • Name the object, Left band
  • Save the object

 Create the Right band

  • Click object type, Square
  • Click two points from top right to bottom left to determine the size of the square
  • Remove the border
  • Name the object, Right band
  • Save the object

 Create the Mouth

  • Click object type, Line
  • Reduce Line Thickness
  • Select a sequence of points to determine the length of the mouth
  • Name the object, Mouth
  • Save the object

 Create the Overalls

  • Click object type, Line
  • Select a sequence of points to trace out the overalls of the minion
  • Change object type to Poly
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, blue
  • Name the object, Overalls
  • Save the object

Create the Head

  • Click object type, Circle
  • Click two points to determine the size of the circle
  • Select the color, yellow
  • Remove the border
  • Select Object Layer 5 to send the circle behind
  • Name the object, Head
  • Save the object

Create the Body

  • Click object type, Square
  • Click two points from top left to bottom right to determine the size of the square
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, yellow
  • Name the object, Body
  • Save the object

Create the Background

  • Click object type, Square
  • Click two points from top left to bottom right of the Canvas to determine the size of the square
  • Remove the border
  • Select the color, pink
  • Select Object Layer 5
  • Name the object, Background
  • Save the object

It Depends

But, Can I Export it to Excel?

You’ve seen the memes. You’ve laughed at them. You’ve LIVED them. Because we all have.

You released your awesome dashboard that you put so much time and effort into, and then the users get their hands on it, and this happens:

Meme "This report is fantastic. Can I export it to Excel?"

Or, how about this one? You’ve got all the best data warehouse technology, your ETL game is tight, and yet… Spreadsheets.

All modern digital infrastructure with excel holding it up

We joke about this stuff ALL THE TIME. It’s funny because it’s true, and frustrating, and laughter is cathartic… it’s why they’re memes.

But, we don’t often stop to think about why this is the case and how we are complicit. 😳 Now, I’m not looking to blame the victim here, but maybe there are some things we can do to make our own lives a little easier in the future!

Because, at the core, these are both about unmet user needs. We can’t always solve them, and we definitely can’t always solve them alone. But, we can, occasionally, prevent some of this from happening.

How? Get curious. Roll your eyes and shake your head first if you need to. Then, ask a lot of questions.

Excel as a Data Source

Why does this live in a spreadsheet?

  • Does this data have a place to live?
    • If so, why does it not live there?
  • Does it have a place it should or could live?
    • If yes, how do we make that happen, and how quickly can it happen?
  • Where does the data come from originally?
    • If it’s exported from a system, is the data accessible in another way, such as an API or back-end database?
    • Can we get access? Or is there an application owner that can help?

If we’ve gone through this line of inquiry, and still land on using a spreadsheet as a data source, how do we mitigate the risks inherent in manually maintained data sources?

How do we mitigate the risk?

Unstandardized and easily changeable data structures will inevitably break any automated process.

What can we do to mitigate the risk in the near term?

  • Can we put this in a form so users don’t actually edit the spreadsheet directly?
  • If not, can we use validated lists, or some other way to at least consolidate and standardize the data?
  • Can the file at the very least be stored in a location with change tracking, version control, and shared access?

Once you’ve asked all the right questions, and you’re still going to have to use that spreadsheet in your dashboard, now we advise.

  • Have we made the users and stakeholders aware of the risks inherent in using spreadsheets as data sources?
  • Have we made it well known that they cannot, under any circumstances, change the field names, file location, or file names!? (No, <you know who>, the refresh didn’t fail… Tableau Server can’t refresh a file that is only updated on your personal downloaded version…)
  • Is there a plan of action to move to a real solution, or will this inevitably become that fragile block in your data stack? This goes back to the questions we asked earlier.
  • This is the time to kick off any medium to long-term changes that are needed to ‘officially’ house the data in the proper system. This doesn’t have to be you, but you can advise the business owners and help kick off the process.

Now you can go ahead and build the dashboard, knowing you’ve done your best.

But, how do I export it to Excel?

I know how frustrating this is. The dashboard meets all of the requirements, it’s been tested, and feedback has been taken. And yet, here we are.

So, what do we do? Get curious.

The request to export data, in my experience, typically comes back to the same few causes.


The user ‘needs’ to see the row-level data because, for some reason or another, they don’t trust the dashboard.

How can you build trust? Usually, transparency. Share things like data dictionaries, helper text, tooltips, source-to-target mapping, etc. This will often help alleviate the ‘unknown’ and ‘magic black box’ feeling the user has.


Change is uncomfortable. They have a process that they are used to, and using a new tool to do their job is confusing them or slowing them down. Maybe they weren’t on board with the change in the first place.

How can you help make change easier?

  • Involve the user in the process from the start
  • Understand the user’s perspective, and how this tool fits into their job flow
  • Include easily accessible documentation like overlays and helper text
  • Do a training or a live demo – Not all users will just know to interact with your dashboard, even if it’s default functionality
  • Show them how it makes their job easier


This one is closely related to change, but worth mentioning separately. If you’ve taken a report that took them 2 weeks to build every month and automated it, they might be afraid it’s taken half of their job. We can show this user how it can help them find more valuable insights they didn’t have time to identify before.

Lack of Alignment

When the direction and requirements come from only one persona the goals, metrics, or job flow will be insufficient for someone, no matter what you do.

  • If we only listen to direction and requirements from leadership stakeholders, we will miss the needs and nuances relevant to the users ‘on the ground’.
  • If we only listen to the end-user, we will miss the big picture, and leadership will not see the value. We also run the risk of ‘fixing a cog in a broken system’ instead of an opportunity to fix the system.
  • We need to do our best to see the metaphorical forest AND the trees.

Unmet needs

If we don’t understand how the user actually interacts with the dashboard and how it fits in their job flow, we will miss something. Now, I’m not suggesting that we will be able to do a full UX project for every dashboard. That would be incredibly time-consuming, and not always valuable.

What we can do is learn from UX methods to ask the right questions, observe the users, and understand the audience(s) and their individual goals.

Often, you’ll find that the dashboard isn’t showing them what they need or want to know, or there is a piece of their workflow that doesn’t currently have a working solution. Sometimes it’s easily fixable with minor changes or some hands-on training.


We can sometimes meet all of the requirements and still produce something unusable. This usually happens when:

One Size Fits All = One Size Fits None
  • It’s trying to be everything to everyone and is too difficult to use. These are often the product of ‘too many cooks in the kitchen’ when it comes to requirements.
But, What does it all MEAN!?
  • There’s a lack of clarity on what the goal, metrics, and supporting metrics are. If you measure everything, you can’t tell what’s important.
    • What are the 3-5 measures that tell someone whether things are good, bad, or neutral? (These are the BANs)
    • How do they know it is good or bad? (These are the year-over-year comparisons, progress to a goal, etc.)
    • What are the supporting measures and dimensions that are needed for the immediate follow-up questions? (These are the first few charts on the dashboard)
    • What does someone need in order to ‘get into the weeds’ once they know what a problem is? (These are your drill-downs and supporting dashboards)
It takes too long to load!
  • Your end users are probably expecting quick load times (I try my darndest to stay under 3-5 seconds). To address this, you will probably need to work with the stakeholders and users to inform them of the options and tradeoffs. Asking the questions, and letting the users decide what’s worth waiting for can help.
    • Do they really need to see individual days, or are 99% of the metrics monitored monthly? Aggregate that data source!
    • Do they really need 50 quick filters? Quick filters take time to compute, especially if they are long lists of values.
    • Is anyone really looking at all 20,000 customers? Or are they typically interested in the top or bottom 5, 10, 20, etc.?
    • Can any of the sheets be moved to a supporting dashboard or made available only on drill down?
    • Does it need to be live, or is an extract ok?
    • Do they need all of the fancy bells and whistles? LODs, Table Calcs, Parameters – these things take longer to compute and will slow it down. What, if any of this can be removed entirely, or pushed back to the data model so it isn’t computed while the user waits?
    • Can it be split up into separate dashboards?

We can’t completely satisfy everyone, and we can’t always ensure these things don’t happen, but we can take steps to avoid these pitfalls and save our users and ourselves time and frustration.

This guy will still want a download to Excel option.

Office space meme "if you could just export the database to excel, that would be great"

Shrug your shoulders and let him have it in Excel, knowing you did your best.

How Did You Build That in Tableau? How-To's Tableau Techniques Totally Useless Charts

How did you build that in Tableau?

How did you build that in Tableau? That’s a question I get pretty frequently. If you look at my Tableau Public profile you may notice that most of my visualizations are pretty unique. And there’s good reason for that. Every visualization I build for Tableau Public, I try to do something I haven’t done before, and preferably, something I haven’t seen anybody else do. What I love about this approach is that I am continuously learning. I am constantly learning new techniques, combining those with other things I have learned along the way, and creating something new and, to me at least, something exciting. My favorite part about building these unique visualizations is figuring out how to do it. Sometimes it’s really challenging, but it’s also extremely satisfying when you finally figure it out and see your ideas come to life.

There are, of course, downsides to this approach. Inspiration and ideas are very hard to come by. I hear people all the time saying that they have so many viz ideas and not enough time to work on them. It’s the complete opposite for me. I will come up with one good idea every couple of months, and then spend days, weeks, sometimes months, figuring it out. That’s why I only have about 55 vizzes on my profile, even though I’ve been using Tableau Public consistently for about 4 1/2 years. That’s an average of about 12 per year. Some people seem to publish that many each month.

But it seems that every time I do publish something, I get at least a handful of messages on Twitter and LinkedIn asking “How did you build that?”, or often times, a much more general question “Can you tell/teach me how to build things like that?”

The first question is a little easier to answer, and could probably be done through a single blog post (which I plan to start doing in a new series with the same title “How did you build that in Tableau”). The second question is much harder to answer. It seems a lot of the time, people are looking for a silver bullet, one piece of advice, or one technique, that will allow them to build weird and crazy vizzes. And I really wish I had something like that to give them, but I don’t. As I mentioned earlier, every visualization I build is different. There isn’t a set technique or approach. But if I sit down and think about it, I do think there is a, at least somewhat, consistent process I go through with each build. And that’s what this post is about. This isn’t a technical walk-through, it’s more about the process. I will walk through a pretty basic example using that process, and if you’re interested in the calculations, please download the workbook here.

Step 1: The Idea

In my opinion, this is the hardest part. If you want to build something unique, you have to have a general idea of what it is you want to build. If you can imagine it, chances are there is a way to make it happen. And I am sending out an open invitation now: If you are taking the time to read this post, and you have a unique idea, but don’t know how to build it, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn, and I will do my best to help you. As I mentioned earlier, I love trying to figure this stuff out.

Back to the idea. The idea gives you a starting point and something to work towards. But keep in mind that that idea is likely to change and evolve as you go through the rest of the process. I have very few examples of vizzes where the end result is exactly like what I had set out to build. It’s usually an iterative process. Come up with an idea, that idea doesn’t work the way you wanted it to work, but it sparks other ideas. Or maybe it did work, but along the way you got other ideas that would make it better. So the process I’m laying out here may not be completely sequential. You may find yourself back at this Step a few times before you build something you’re excited about.

Step 2: The Data

For me, this step and step 1 are interchangeable. I told you this process wasn’t always sequential right?

  • Sometimes I have an idea and then I go looking for the specific data I need.
  • Sometimes I come across a cool dataset, and then try to come up with ideas on how to visualize it.
  • Sometimes I have 0 ideas and I just browse Kaggle, Data.World, or Google and a dataset will spark a cool idea.
  • Sometimes I have an idea for a type of chart I want to try to build, and then go looking for any kind of interesting data I could use for that chart type.

There is no right way to do this. Think of it as writing a song. You need lyrics and you need music, but you don’t necessarily need to work on either of those things before the other. It could be a lyric or a melody that pops into your head and then you work around that. And chances are both the lyrics and the music are going to change when you start working them together.

So start with what you have and then go from there.

Step 3: The Plan

The next step is to start planning the build. You know what you want to build, but you need to figure out how to get there. If you want to start building truly unique visualizations in Tableau, you need to get comfortable with scatterplots. Nearly every single visualization on my profile is built using X and Y coordinates. I like to think of it like drawing, but more specifically, like drawing with connect-the-dots. That’s really all it is. It’s figuring out where to put the dots and how to connect them. With those two things figured out, you can draw anything you want in Tableau.

When I’m planning out my build, I like to break it out into smaller pieces. Let’s say we wanted to make this Smiley Face in Tableau, where would you start?

If I was trying to build this, I would start by figuring out the individual pieces that need to be built. In this case, I have one large yellow circle, two small black circles, and one curved black line. I don’t have to figure out how to build the entire thing at once, I just need to figure out how to build each piece and then figure out how to put them together.

I know how to draw circles in Tableau and I know how to draw curved lines in Tableau. I’m basically done. Not quite, but it’s a good start. Pretty much everything on my Tableau Public profile is built using some combination of circles and curved lines. The variety comes from combining those things in different ways. If you’re looking for more technical walk-throughs on how to build circles and curved lines in Tableau, check out the 3-part series on our blog:

For my Smiley Face, I am going to use Techniques from Part 1 and Part 2 of that series. I’m going to draw 3 circles and 1 bezier curve. I’m not going to share all of the formulas here, so if you’re interested in following along, I would recommend reading Part 1 and Part 2, and downloading the example workbook here.

Step 4: The Data Structure

This part can be difficult. Figuring out how to structure your data so you can build the pieces you need to build. If you are trying to build something unique, chances are you will not be able to use your data as is. You’ll have to put some work into it, and chances are, you’ll revisit it and change it and re-arrange it as you go through the build. The technique I typically use, I like to call a “Stacked” Densification Table. If you’re not familiar with Densification, we’re basically creating additional records in our data source that we can use in our calculations. I am blowing up my data source, but I’m doing it with purpose.

For this example, I am going to use a data source with just a single record. If I wanted to draw more than one smiley face, I could add more. But here is my “Base” data.

Object IDObject NameSize
1Smiley Face 110

Now I’ll create my Densification Table. I’ll start by adding records to “draw” my first object; the Left Eye.

Left Eye1
Left Eye2
Left Eye3
Left Eye
Left Eye20

I used 20 points, which works pretty well for smaller circles. The more points you add, the smoother your curves/circles will appear. Curves in Tableau are essentially a bunch of really short straight lines, so the more lines you have, the shorter those lines will be, and the smoother the curves will appear.

Now, in the same table, I’ll add another 20 records for the Right Eye.

Left Eye1
Left Eye
Left Eye20
Right Eye1
Right Eye2
Right Eye3
Right Eye
Right Eye20

Then I’m going to add 100 points for the body or face or whatever you want to call it. I’m using more points for this because the circle is much larger. Then I’ll add another 50 points for the mouth. The end result should be a table with 190 records; 20 for the Left Eye, 20 for the Right Eye, 100 for the Body, and 50 for the Mouth

The reason I like to set it up this way is that I can use different calculations and different techniques on each section, or Type, and then combine them later using a couple of simple calculations.

The last step in setting up my data source is to join these 2 tables using a physical join and a join calculation.

Step 5: The Build

Once I have my data structure in place, it’s time to start building. When I’m on Step 3 and planning out my build, I identify the individual pieces that need to be built. When I’m on Step 4 and building out my data source, I create the data I need to build each one of those individual pieces. And when I’m on Step 5 and actually building the viz, I work on each one of those pieces individually. I’m going to start with the body/face because it’s the biggest and because the position of all of the other pieces are going to rely on that piece.

The Build Part A: Building the Circles

My first step in building this circle would be to go to a new worksheet, and filter on Type = Body, because that’s the piece I’m working on first. My next step would be to build the calculations. If you looked at Part 1 of the Fun with Curves series, you’ll know that in order to draw a circle in Tableau, we need two inputs; the distance of each point from the center of the circle (the radius), and the position of each point around the circle.

In this case, I’m going to use the [Size] field from my data source for the size of the body/face circle. That value is going to represent the Area of the circle, so I’ll calculate the radius using that, and that will be the first input. Once I have that, and the Position input, I plug those into my X and Y calculations and build the circle. When I’m done, it will look something like this.

So far so good.

Next, I’m going to build the Left Eye. When I’m building something like this, I like to parametrize everything, so I can easily tweak the size and position of things, and so that the sizing will stay consistent, even if the values in the data change. And I always choose an “Anchor” value. Something I can use along with those parameters to calculate “relative” values for everything else. For this build, I’ll use the radius of the body/face as the “Anchor” because all of the other objects are going to go inside of (or really on top of) that main circle.

So in this case, I’ll build a parameter and set the value to .1 to start. Now, to calculate the radius for the eyes, I just multiply that parameter by the radius of the body/face. By using this technique, I can ensure that the radius of the eyes will always be 1/10th of the radius of the body/face. And I can also tweak that value to easily make the eyes larger or smaller.

My next step would be to repeat the process I used to build the body/face to build the left eye. I would go to a new worksheet, filter on Type = Left Eye, plug my eye radius and position into the X and Y calcs and build my circle. Then repeat for for the Right Eye.

The Build Part B: Placing the Circles

At this point, I would have 3 sheets and 3 sets of X and Y coordinates, one for each of the objects. Now I would bring them together with a couple of simple calculations called “Final_X” and “Final_Y”, which are just CASE statements that look at the TYPE field from my densification table and return the values of the appropriate X and Y fields that I have already calculated for each type.

Then I would go to a new sheet, filter on my 3 Types, and build the circles using those “Final” X and Y fields.

When I’m done, it would look something like this.

Hmmm, that looks exactly like the “Body” worksheet. One thing to always keep in mind when layering these objects is how Tableau sorts them. In this case, Tableau sorted the “Types” alphabetically, so the Body is in front of the Left Eye and Right Eye. So next, I would click on the color legend and drag Body to the bottom and the objects will sort correctly. With a lot of objects, sometimes this sorting piece can become pretty complicated. Once sorted, it would look something like this.

Now unless I was building a cyclops smiley face, this still doesn’t look right. As it stands now, all of my circles have the same starting point. They all start at 0,0 and build around that. I want the Body to start at 0,0 but I need to offset the eyes to get them in the right position. Basically, the eyes need new starting points.

Offsetting these values is really easy. If you want to move something up? Add a positive value to it’s Y coordinate. Want to move something down? Add a negative value to it’s Y coordinate. To the right? I’m sure you’ve guessed it, add a positive value to the X coordinate.

This is something I struggled with early on, but once I understood it, it became really simple. Basically, what I am trying to do is to create a new starting point for each of these circles, instead of starting them at 0,0. And to do that, all I have to do is add those new starting coordinates directly to the X and Y calcs for each of the circles, and all of the other points I have already calculated to form those circles, will move accordingly.

Once again I would use parameters to determine how far to move the circles, one for moving them up and down, and one for moving them left and right. Then it’s just a matter of multiplying those parameters by my “Anchor” value, the radius of the body/face, to get the actual values and then adding (or subtracting) those values to the X and Y fields for the Left and Right Eye.

After moving the eyes, I have something like this.

It’s starting to look pretty good, but, in my opinion, those eyes look a little too small, a little bit too spread out, and just a touch too high. This is why I use parameters. Now I can easily tweak all of my parameters to change the look of it.

This looks much better, but now I notice another problem. Now that I made the eyes a little bigger, I can really see the lines instead of a smooth curve. This happens to me pretty frequently, but there is an easy fix. I go back to my data source and add more rows to the “Stacked” Densification table for the Left Eye and the Right Eye. If I increase that count to 40 (from 20), it looks much better. No more jagged lines.

The Build Part C: Building the Line

Now for the mouth. Like most things in Tableau, there are a couple of ways to accomplish this, but I am going to use a bezier curve. And I am going to start on this the same way I started with the circles, with a fresh worksheet filtered on the object I’m working on (in this case [Type] = Mouth).

To draw a bezier curve, I need the coordinates for 3 points…the Start of the line, the End of the line, and the Mid-point. And, just like I did for the eyes, I’m going to create some parameters so I can play with how the mouth looks. I’m going to create a total of 3 parameters; 1 for the width of the mouth, one for the vertical starting position of the line, and one for how far down the line dips. And again, just like I did for the eyes, I’m going to multiply these by the “Anchor” value to calculate the coordinates.

Once I have all of my calculations and I plug them into the X and Y calculations for bezier curves, I have something like this.

Now I have my curved line, but I can’t really tell what it’s going to look like until I place it on my Smiley Face. So I’ll do that next.

The Build Part D: Placing the Line

Now this part is a little tricky. I have my “Final_X”and “Final_Y” calcs that I used to bring the three circles together in the same view. But now I have 2 different mark types; Polygon for the Circles, and Line for the Mouth. So here is a technique I use to bring different Mark Types together on the same view.

I need to create a Dual Axis chart, so I can assign a different Mark Type to each axis. So Instead of “Final_X”, I would build “Final_X_Circle”, which would include all of my Circle X calculations, and “Final_X_Line”, which would include all of my Line X calculations. For each of those Fields, the result would be populated for the included “Types” and NULL for all other Types.

Then, I would add all of the Types to the “Final_Y” calculation. If I built separate calculations for the Mark Types here, I would not be able to layer them together in the view.

So I end up with a common measure for the Y axis, and two different measures for the X axis

Now I can create a dual axis chart, and set the appropriate mark type for each of my Types. With a few more minor tweaks, I have something like this.

Now, just like I did with the eyes, I can play around with the parameters to get the smile to look how I want.

Step 6: Ideate & Iterate

At this point, I have built what I set out to build, so I should stop right? As I mentioned earlier, as I’m working through this process, I usually have other ideas to try out. Now that the foundation is built, how can I make it better?

What if I added another record to my “Base” data?

What if I added 100 records and made a 10×10 panel chart?

What if I put some real data behind this? Since I’m working with Smiley Faces, how about data from the World Happiness Report? What if I made them all the same size, but used color for the Happiness Score?

That’s looking better. But maybe the faces with the lower scores should be frowning instead of smiling. What if I could use the score to control the shape of the mouth too?

Now what if I used population on Size?

Hmmm, that doesn’t really work. Most of those faces are way too small. I would need to make them all bigger, but I can’t really do that with a panel/trellis chart. But what if I made this into a Packed Bubble Chart and limited it to the 50 largest Countries?

Ooohh, now we’re getting somewhere. Now what if I grouped the countries by Continent?

That’s it! That’s the one. Now it may seem like a huge leap going from a single smiley face to this, but it was actually a really easy update. I set up everything with parameters and used “Anchor” values, so no matter how many records I added to my data source, I would have a smiley face, with the correct proportions for the features, for every record.

And moving from a Panel Chart to a Packed Bubble chart was easy as well. CJ Mayes has a really great tutorial on Circular Packing, which is what I used. The output of that process is a file with an X coordinate, a Y coordinate, and a Radius for each circle. That means I could take what I had already built, and just add the X coordinate to my “Final” X calcs, and the Y coordinate to my “Final” Y calc to give all of my circles a new starting point. Then I swapped out the Radius calc I had used for the body/face with the one in the output. Because everything else I built was Anchored to that Radius value, everything updated and moved automatically.

Step 7: Final Touches

Now that I have built something I’m happy with, it’s time to finish off the design. I typically don’t spend a lot of time on this. If you look at my profile you’ll notice that nearly all of my vizzes are a single unique chart, with a light background, a title, some text, and some ways to interactive with the viz. I’m not a great designer, so I try not to put too much effort into the design. Also, I spend a lot of time building those charts, and I want those to be the focal point.

If I was going to publish this, it would probably look something like this.

I would play around with the design of the chart a little bit, add a Title and Subtitle, and some text describing the chart. If I was going to publish this I would also probably add some kind of interactivity to highlight specific countries to make them easier to find, and maybe bring this into Figma to add some labels for the continents. But, since I’m not publishing it, this seems like a good place to stop.


I hope you found this helpful. This is the exact process I would have gone through if I was trying to build a Smiley Face in Tableau. I know it is, because I wrote this post as I was building it. This was my actual process from trying to build this:

To actually building this:

As I mentioned earlier, there isn’t a single, universal technique that will let you build anything and everything in Tableau, but there is a process you can follow that may help you. I know it helps me. The most important parts of that process, in my opinion, are Step 1, Step 3, and Step 6.

Coming up with unique ideas is tough, but you have to know what you want to build, or at least attempt to build, before you can start building it. If you don’t have an idea, start looking for some interesting datasets, and then think of unique ways you can visualize it.

And then you have to plan. If you just sit down with an idea and start writing calculations, maybe you’ll get there, maybe you won’t, but your chances will increase significantly if you have a plan. These builds can be overwhelming, so you’ll want to break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Work on those pieces individually, and then start bringing them together. I recently published a few games, and although the goal of those was completely different than one of my visualizations, the process was exactly the same. I broke it down into smaller pieces. How would I build and position each of the pieces? What are the rules for the game? What has to happen each time a user clicks? What restrictions should there be when it’s time to make a move? How would a winner be determined? I sat down and thought through all of these questions before I ever opened Tableau and I came up with a plan for addressing each of them.

And then once you have something built, experiment with it. Every change you make might not be an improvement, but it’s still worth trying. Maybe you’ll love it, or maybe it’ll spark other ideas you can experiment with. Or maybe you’ll have to hit undo 100 times. It doesn’t matter, try it anyways.

If you use this process for a new visualization, or if you have your own process, please reach out and tell me about it. And, as I mentioned earlier, if you have a unique viz idea but can’t figure out how to build it, reach out and I’ll do my best to help. And keep an eye on our blog for the new series “How Did You Build That in Tableau”, where we’ll walk through the process of how we built specific vizzes.

How-To's It Depends Tableau Techniques

It Depends: Market Basket Analysis

Welcome to another installment of “It Depends”. In this post we’re going to look at three different methods for using Tableau for Market Basket Analysis. If you aren’t familiar with this type of analysis, it’s basically a data mining technique used by retailers to understand the relationships between different products based on past transactions.

If you do a quick Google Search for “Market Basket Analysis in Tableau”, chances are you’re going to come across 50 different images and blog posts that look exactly like this.

A matrix of order counts for different products

The chart above shows how many times products from two different categories have been purchased together. While that information may be helpful, it’s not a true Market Basket Analysis. This approach only looks at the frequency of those items being purchased together and doesn’t take other factors into consideration, like how often they are purchased separately. It doesn’t provide any insight into the strength of the relationships, or how likely a customer will purchase Product B when they purchase Product A. Just looking at the chart above, it looks like Paper and Binders must have a pretty strong relationship. But let’s look at the data another way.

A bar chart showing the order counts by product

Paper and Binders are the two most frequently ordered product categories, so chances are, even by random chance, that there will be a high number of purchases containing both of those categories. But that doesn’t mean there is a significant relationship between the two, or that the purchase of one in any way affects the purchase of the other. That’s where the real Market Basket Analysis comes in.

As I mentioned, we’re going to cover three different methods in this post. Which is the right one for you? Well, it depends. The right method depends on your data source, and what you hope to get out of the analysis. Feel free to download the sample workbook here and follow along. Here’s a quick overview of each method and when to use it.


Method 1: Basic

This method is the one that is shown in the intro to this post. Use this method if you are just looking for quick counts of co-occurrences and aren’t interested in further analysis on those relationships. This method also only works if you are able to self-join (or self-relate) your data source. So if you are working with a published data source, or if your data set is too large to self-join (which is often the case with transactional data), then move on to Method 3.

Method 2: Advanced

This is the ideal scenario. This method provides all of the insight lacking from the Basic Method above, but it also relies on self-joining your data.

Method 3: Limited

This method is a little less flexible/robust than Method 2, but often times, it’s the only option. You can use this method without having to make any changes to your data source, and it still provides all of the same insight as Method 2. The real downside is that you can only view one product at a time.

Let’s start by setting up your data source. If you are using Method 3, you can skip over this section, as you won’t be making any changes to the data source with that approach.

Setting Up Your Data Source

For these examples we are going to use the Superstore data that comes packaged with Tableau. So start by connecting to that data source.

A screenshot of the Tableau Data connection page with the Superstore data highlighted

Once you’re connected, click on the Data Source tab at the bottom left of the screen.

Next, remove the People and Returns tables.

Then drag out the Orders table again and click on the line to edit the relationships.

Add the following conditions: Order ID = Order ID and Sub-Category <> Sub-Category

Your data source should look like this.

The correct setup for the data source relationship

Just a quick pause to explain why we are setting up the data this way. By joining the data to itself on Order ID, we are creating additional records. The result is that for each order, we now have a row for every product combination for each order. The second clause (sub-category), eliminates the records where the sub-categories are the same. Here is a quick example.

Side by side examples of the data before and after the self-join

For the order above, there were three sub-categories purchased together. By self-joining the data, we can now count that same order at the intersection of each of the products (Furnishings-Paper, Furnishings-Phones, Paper-Furnishings, etc.).

Now that our data source is set, let’s get building.

Method 1: Basic

This method is very quick to build and doesn’t require any additional calculations.

  1. Drag [Sub-Category] to Rows
  2. Drag [Sub-Category (Orders1)] to Columns
  3. Change the Mark Type to Square
  4. Right-click on Order ID and drag it to Label. Select CNTD(Order ID) for the aggregation
  5. Right-click on Order ID and drag it to Color. Select CNTD(Order ID) for the aggregation
  6. Drag [Sub-Category (Orders1)] to the Filter shelf and Exclude Null (these are orders with a single sub-category)

You can do some additional formatting, like adding row/column borders, hiding field labels, and formatting the text, but as far as building the view, that’s all there is to it. When you’re done, it should look something like this.

A matrix of order counts for different products

Method 2: Advanced

This method is a little bit more complicated, but the insight it provides is definitely worth the extra effort. The calculations are relatively simple and I will explain what each of them is measuring and how to interpret it.

To start, I am going to re-name a few fields in my data source. Going forward I am going to refer to the first product as the Antecedent and the product ordered along with that product as the Consequent.

  • Rename [Sub-Category] to [Antecedent]
  • Rename [Order ID] to [Antecedent_Order ID]
  • Rename [Sub-Category (Orders1)] to [Consequent]
  • Rename [Order ID (Orders1)] to [Consequent_Order ID]

Now for our calculations.

Total Orders = The total number of orders in our data source

{COUNTD([Antecedent_Order ID])}

Antecedent_Occurrences = The total number of orders containing the Antecedent product

{FIXED [Antecedent]: COUNTD([Antecedent_Order ID])}

Consequent_Occurrences = The total number of orders containing the Consequent product

{FIXED [Consequent]: COUNTD([Consequent_Order ID])}

Combined_Occurrences = The total number of orders that contain both the Antecedent and Consequent products

{FIXED [Antecedent],[Consequent] : COUNTD([Antecedent_Order ID])}

P(A) = The probability of an order containing the Antecedent product

[Antecedent_Occurrences]/[Total Orders]

P(C) = The probability of an order containing the Consequent product

[Consequent_Occurrences]/[Total Orders]

Support = The probability of an order containing both the Antecedent and Consequent products

[Combined_Occurrences]/[Total Orders]

These last two metrics are the ones that you would want to focus on when analyzing the relationships between products.

Confidence = This is the probability that if the Antecedent is ordered, that the Consequent will also be ordered. For example, if a customer purchases Product A, there is a xx% likelihood that they will also order Product B.


Lift = This metric measures the strength of the relationship between the two products. The higher the number, the stronger the relationship. A higher number would imply that the ordering of Product A, increases the likelihood of Product B being ordered in the same transaction. Here is an easy way to interpret the Lift value

  • Lift = 1: Product A and Product B are randomly ordered together, but there is no relationship between the two
  • Lift > 1: Product A and Product B are purchased together more frequently than random. There is a positive relationship.
  • Lift < 1: Product A and Product B are purchased together less frequently than random. There is a negative relationship.


Once you have these calculations, there are a number of ways you can visualize the data. One simple way is to put all of these metrics into a Table so you can easily sort on Confidence and Lift. Another option is to build the same view we had built in Method 1, but use Lift as the metric instead of order counts. Here is how to build that matrix.

  1. Drag [Antecedent] to Rows
  2. Drag [Consequent] to Columns
  3. Change the Mark Type to Square
  4. Drag [Lift] to Color (here you can use a diverging color palette and set the Center value to 1)
  5. Drag [Lift] to Label

After some formatting, your view should look something like this.

An improved matrix with Lift values for different combinations of products

If you compare this matrix to the one in Method 1, you may notice that the Lift on Paper & Binders is actually less than 1. So even though those products are present together on more orders than any other combination of products, the presence of one of those products on an order, does not impact the likelihood of the other.

Method 3: Limited

This is the method that I have used most frequently because it doesn’t rely on self-joining your data. Typically, transactional databases have millions of records, which can quickly turn to billions after the self-join. So this method is much better for performance, and it can even be used with published data sources. The fields that we need to calculate are all the same as in Method 2, but the calculations themselves are a bit different.

If you skipped over Method 2, we had renamed a few of the fields. With this approach, we’re just going to rename one field. Change the name of the [Sub-Category] field to [Consequent].

As I mentioned before, with this method, users can only view one product at a time, so the first thing we need to do is build a parameter for selecting products. Create a new parameter that is set up like the image below and name it [Select Product]. In the lower section, make sure to select “When workbook opens” and select the [Consequent] field, so that parameter will update when new values come in.

The correct set up for the Select Product parameter

Before we build the calculations we had used in Method 2, there are a few other supporting calcs that we will need. Build the following calculations.

Antecedent = This is set equal to the parameter we built above

[Select Product]

Product Filter = This Boolean calculation tests the Consequent (Sub-Category) field to see if it is equal to the parameter selection

[Consequent]=[Select Product]

Product Combination = This is a simple concatenation for the combinations of Product A (Antecedent) and Product B (Consequent)

[Antecedent] + ‘ – ‘ + [Consequent]

Order Contains = This LOD calculation returns true for any orders that contain the product selected in the parameter

{ FIXED [Order ID] : MAX([Product Filter])}

Item Type = For orders that contain the selected product, this will flag items as the Antecedent (the product selected) and Consequent (other items on the order). For orders that don’t contain the selected product, it will set all records to Exclude

IF [Product Filter] AND [Order Contains] then ‘Antecedent’
ELSEIF [Order Contains] THEN ‘Consequent’
ELSE ‘Exclude’

With those out of the way, we are going to build all of the same calculations as we did in Method 2, but with some slight modifications. If you skipped over Method 2, I will include the descriptions of each of the calculations again.

Total Orders = The total number of orders in our data source

{COUNTD([Order ID])}

Antecedent_Occurrences = The total number of orders containing the Antecedent product

{COUNTD(IF [Product Filter] THEN [Order ID] END)}

Consequent_Occurrences = The total number of orders containing the Consequent product

{FIXED [Consequent] : COUNTD([Order ID])}

Combined_Occurrences = The total number of orders that contain both the Antecedent and Consequent products

COUNTD([Order ID])

P(A) = The probability of an order containing the Antecedent product

[Antecedent_Occurrences]/[Total Orders]

P(C) = The probability of an order containing the Consequent product

[Consequent_Occurrences]/[Total Orders]

Support = The probability of an order containing both the Antecedent and Consequent products

[Combined_Occurrences]/MIN([Total Orders])

These last two metrics are the ones that you would want to focus on when analyzing the relationships between products.

Confidence = This is the probability that if the Antecedent is ordered, that the Consequent will also be ordered. For example, if a customer purchases Product A, there is a xx% likelihood that they will also order Product B.


Lift = This metric measures the strength of the relationship between the two products. The higher the number, the stronger the relationship. A higher number would imply that the ordering of Product A, increases the likelihood of Product B being ordered in the same transaction. Here is an easy way to interpret the Lift value

  • Lift = 1: Product A and Product B are randomly ordered together, but there is no relationship between the two
  • Lift > 1: Product A and Product B are purchased together more frequently than random. There is a positive relationship.
  • Lift < 1: Product A and Product B are purchased together less frequently than random. There is a negative relationship.


The visualization options are a little more limited with this approach. I usually go with a simple bar chart, or just a probability table with all of the metrics calculated above. Something simple like this usually does the trick.

A simple table with the probability fields, support, confidence, and lift

Whatever visual you choose, make sure to display the parameter so users can select a product, make sure to include the Product Combination somewhere in the view, and make sure to add the following filter.

Item Type = Consequent

If you don’t filter out the “Exclude” records, the Confidence and Lift values will be significantly inflated

That’s it, those are the three methods that I have used for Market Basket Analysis in Tableau. In my opinion, Method 2 is by far the best, but often times unrealistic. But with a little creativity, you can replicate it without blowing up your data source and you can build it using a published data source. Thank you for following along with another installment of “It Depends”.

Design It Depends

Optical Illusions and Data Viz

What do optical illusions have to do with data visualization?

Aside from being kind of fun, optical illusions tell us a lot about how human visual perception changes how we interpret what we see. These illusions expose to us areas to be aware of when presenting information visually, and how perception can change the interpretation of the information when presented to different individuals or in different circumstances. As data visualization practitioners, we are communicating with images. Our work is subject to these same visual systems, but the result is less fun when your charts are misinterpreted, but they can also be used to benefit the user.

Let’s take a few examples:

  • Size
  • Color
  • Attention
  • Pattern Completion


Which of the two orange circles is larger?
Ebbinghaus illusion showing distortion of perception of size based on relative objects
Ebbinghaus Illusion | Source Wikimedia Commons

Our brains interpret the right circle as larger due to its size relative to the smaller circles around it. In reality, the circles are the same size.

Ebbinghaus illusion showing distortion of perception of size based on relative objects with lines showing the equal sizes

When we use size to encode data, being aware of how a mark appears relative to other objects in a chart can help avoid misinterpretation of the data. For example, from the Superstore dataset, I have placed Discount on size.

Scatter plot demonstrating difficulty identifying size

It’s difficult to see what marks have the same discount, until they are highlighted using color.

Scatterplot with colors to identify identically sized marks

We can run into this effect any time we are encoding data on size, so double encoding the data may be needed to make the visual more clear.

Which Line is Longer?
Müller-Lyer illusion shows distortion of size based on arrows added to the ends of the lines
Müller-Lyer illusion | Source UChicago News

This illusion illustrates the effect additional shapes can have on the perception of length.

If the additional shape equally impacts all marks, such as with a dumbbell or lollipop chart, this is less of a concern. The precision of the chart can be affected, but the interpretation won’t be heavily impacted.

If we are using additional marks to encode more information, we should be aware of the fact that it can alter the interpretation, or change the perceived (or actual) size of the primary mark.

Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t use shapes with other marks. If the actual value is less important than the information conveyed with additional marks, perhaps this is ok. It depends on the goals of the visual.

Color and Shade

Which Color is Darker?
Illusion demonstrating changing color perception based on background gradient
Color Saturation Illusion
Illusion demonstrating changing color perception based on background gradient

In this illusion, we can see that the circles appear darker on a lighter background, and lighter on a darker background, even though they are the same color.

When using a continuous color palette, we want to beware that a color can be interpreted differently depending on how the shades are distributed.

So a similar value could be interpreted as being good or bad simply based on the other marks in close proximity, even though the number itself is the same. This can be used to call attention to outliers, like an unusual seasonal ordering pattern, if that is the intention of the chart.

Heatmap demonstrating relative color distortion

When using gradient backgrounds, it can also alter the perception of the colors used in the visual, making those on the lighter section of the background appear darker, and those on the darker section of the background appear lighter.

Bar chart demonstrating distortion by background gradient

Many of us have seen the famous dress illusion or the pink sneaker illusion. Color is tricky! When using color to show dimensions, depending on the other colors used, those colors may be misinterpreted.

Using fewer colors and ensuring they are different enough in hue and value will help ensure this doesn’t hinder or alter the interpretation.

Bonus! It’s also better for users with color vision deficiency and impaired vision.


Look at right side of the fork. How many tines are there?
Now look at the left side of the fork. How many tines are there?
Impossible Trident illusion shows how changing focus point can alter illusion
Blivets or Impossible Trident Illusion | Source Wikimedia Commons

If we call attention to one thing, we are necessarily calling attention away from something else.

We can use this to our advantage to guide a story, if that is the goal. But, this also means that different users may see different things in a dashboard.

Is this a duck or a rabbit?
Duck-Rabbit Illusion | Source Wikimedia Commons

How, and how carefully, we use other visual attributes like color, labels, layout, and helper text can direct the attention and ensure the takeaway is consistent.

Giving the context needed to orient the viewer will take away the ambiguity. Even just a couple of crude lines to show feet, and a pink nose, and now it’s definitely a bunny.

Duck Rabbit illusion demonstrates different perception of same illustration
Duck-Rabbit Illusion with Markup

Pattern Finding

Humans have a brain that is made to find patterns. It’s what we do. And, it’s why data visualization can be so effective.

Do you see the white triangle?
Kanizsa triangles demonstrates how an object can be created by connecting whitespace
Kanizsa figures | Source Wikipedia

A shape or pattern can be suggested simply by the pattern of those objects (object completion). The brain is going to be looking for patterns, and things can be created out of the white space. This can help identify patterns or trends.

However, this can also trick the user into seeing a pattern that is incorrect based on the context, as this illusion illustrates.

Which lines connect?
Poggendorff illusion demonstrates potential inaccuracy in object completion phenomenon
Poggendorff Illusion | Source Wikimedia Commons

Using visual attributes to help ensure the eye follows the correct pattern can ensure the visual isn’t misinterpreted.

If we know that the human eye is going to be identifying a trend, we can call attention to specific areas to counter this effect. We can also visually identify when a pattern is or isn’t significant. Things like control lines or specifically calling out whether a trend is statistically significant can keep the brain’s pattern finding instinct from causing misunderstanding of what the data actually show or to force a focus on the purpose of the visualization.

For example, all my eye wants to see here is that the totals seem to be trending upward. There are spikes and lulls, but that’s not what my brain is focusing on.

basic bar chart

This may be fine if the visual is purely informational, and open to that type of interpretation and analysis. It is often helpful if we can anticipate this and identify if a trend is or is not significant. We can identify things like the impact of seasonality in data. Or we can use things like control charts or highlight colors and indicators to drive attention to the outliers rather than the trend.

basic bar chart with control lines

This post could probably go on forever, but I’ll stop here. Enjoy, go down the rabbit hole and look up some other optical illusions.

And Remember:

With great power comes great responsibility | Giphy
How-To's Tableau Techniques

Radial Family Trees in Tableau

Recently I shared a visualization mapping the family trees of three Ancient Mythologies (see below). This was one of the more complicated visualizations I have ever worked on, but a few people had asked how it was built, so I’m going to do my best explain the approach. Unlike some of the other tutorials I have written, this won’t be a step by step guide on how to build one of these from scratch, but instead, I’ll explain some of the techniques, provide a template, and go through detailed instructions on how to use that template to build your own. Here is the visualization I mentioned earlier.

Image and Link to a visualization on Tableau Public

The tree we are going to be building today is a little less complex than some of the ones represented above. We are going to build a family tree for the eight main Houses from Game of Thrones, using the tree found here as our base. When we’re finished, it should look something like this.

An image of the Family Tree we are going to create in this tutorial

You can find all of the files needed to build this here. Start by downloading the following files.

  • Family Tree Template.twbx
  • Family_Data.xlsx
  • Lineage.xlsx

Save all of the files locally, and then open up the Tableau Workbook (Family Tree Template). Edit the data source and edit both of the connections (Family Tree Data and Lineage) to point to your locally saved files.

I’ve also saved copies of the completed files you can use for reference (Family Tree Template_Complete.twbx and Family_Data_Complete.xlsx).

The Data Source

If you look at the Data Source in the Family Tree Template, you’ll see it’s made up of 5 Tables.

  • Data: This is the main table. It is the Data sheet in the Family_Data Excel file. There are a number of calculated fields in that Sheet which we’ll discuss a little later on
  • Densification: This is our densification table. It is the Densification sheet in the Family_Data Excel file. There are records for 7 different “Types”, that will allow us to create calculations for each element of chart and then combine them in the same view.
  • Lineage: This file is used only for highlighting the lineages in the family tree. It is built using a Tableau Prep workflow and is stored as a separate file (Lineage.xlsx)
  • Father: This is also the Data sheet from our Excel file. There is a self-join from the Father field in our main table to the Name field in the second instance of this table. This is done to bring in data about the location of the Parent nodes
  • Mother: Same as above, but in this case the self-join is from the Mother field in our main table to the Name field in the third instance of this table.

For all of the fields coming from the Mother and Father tables, I have renamed the fields in the data source (ex. Column (Mother)), and hidden any fields that aren’t being used. We’ll talk more about each of the fields in our Data Source when we get to the section on filling out the template.

Elements of the Chart

As I mentioned earlier there are 7 “Types” in our densification table that represent 7 different elements of our chart.

An image highlighting the 7 different chart elements
  • Base: This is just a colored circle, the base of each node. 1 record in the densification table
  • Base_II: This is just a white circle, sized slightly smaller than the Base circle. 1 record in the densification table
  • Selection: This is a colored diamond, sized slightly smaller than the Base_II circle to highlight which person is selected. 1 record in the densification table
  • Parent_Line: This line is made up of 3 sections and is only present when a person has two known parents. There is a straight line coming from each of the parents and then a curved line connecting them. There are a total of 104 records in the densification table, 2 for each of the straight lines, and 100 for the curved line.
  • Group_Line: This is a curved line that connects all of the nodes within a Group (a Group is a set of nodes with the same parents). There are 100 records in the densification table.
  • Parent_Drop_Line: This is a straight line that connects the Parent_Line to the Group_Line. If there is no Parent_Line (only 1 known parent), then this is a straight line from the Parent node to the Group_Line. There are 2 records in the densification table.
  • Child_Line: This is a straight line that connects the Group_Line to the Child node. There are 2 records in the densification table.

How it’s Built

I’m not going to go into too much detail here. The techniques I used were very similar to the ones used in previous tutorials. For each element of this chart, there are a separate set of calculations (grouped by Folder in the Tableau workbook). If you’re interested in learning more about these techniques, I would recommend checking out the 3-part series on this site titled “Fun with Curves in Tableau”, especially the 1st installment.

As I mention in that post, and many others on this site, to create any type of radial chart in Tableau, you really only need two inputs. For each point in your visualization, you need to calculate the distance from the center of the circle, and you need to calculate the position of the point around the circle (represented as a percentage from 0 to 100%).

So for each of these elements, I have built calculated fields to calculate the distance and position, and then I have plugged those results into the X and Y calculations to translate those values into coordinates that can be plotted on the chart. If you have questions about how any of these calculations work, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or LinkedIn and I’d be happy to talk through them.

Once all of those X and Y coordinates were calculated, I created 3 “Final” calculations that are used to combine all of the different chart elements together.

  • Final_Y: This is a case statement that returns the value of the appropriate Y calculation for each element “Type”
  • Final_X_Line: This is a case statement that returns the value of the appropriate X calculation for each of the Line elements
  • Final_X_Mark: This is a case statement that returns the value of the appropriate X calculation for each of the Shape elements

Then I created a dual axis chart and set the Mark Type to Line for the Final_X_Line axis, and Shape for the Final_X_Mark axis, allowing me to combine the 3 shape elements and the 4 line elements all together in the same chart.

Using the Template

Just a quick warning, even with the template, this is still somewhat difficult to build. This is not a plug and play template and requires a fair amount of manual tweaking to make the chart work. Start by opening up the “Family_Data.xlsx” file and take a look at the different sheets. Updates need to be made to all 3 of the blue sheets to customize your chart.

Data sheet

This is the sheet that ultimately is used as the data source, but it pulls in data from the other 2 tabs and performs some calculations. The 5 black columns are where you enter your Family Tree data. The 3 blue columns need to be filled out for every record. The 10 red columns are calculations and should not be modified.

  • Name: The name of the person
  • NameID: A Unique Identifier for each person
  • Group: The name of the group. A group is any set of persons who share the same parents. You can name the groups whatever you would like, but make sure it is the same for all persons in the group
  • Mother: The Mother of the person. If the Mother is unknown but the Father is known, enter the Father’s name in this field. If both parents are unknown, enter the Name of the person again here. Do not leave blank
  • Father: The Father of the person. If the Father is unknown but the Mother is known, enter the Mother’s name in this field. If both parents are unknown, enter the Name of the person again here. Do not leave blank
  • Color: This can be whatever value you would like, but it will be used to assign color to the nodes and lines in your chart.
  • Order: This is the Order of persons within a group. If there are 4 people in the same group, they should be numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Level: This is the level where the group will appear on the chart. If you look at the image below, you’ll see that the chart we are building has 4 Levels. The level value should be the same for all persons in the same group. Also, make sure that the level for each row is higher than the level for both of it’s parents. You can use columns I and J in the template to see the levels for each parent
An image highligting each level of the Family Tree
Groups sheet

The next tab in the Excel file is for the Groups. Any group that is assigned in the Data sheet will also need to be added to the Groups sheet (1 record per Group). Similar to the Data sheet, you enter your data in the Black columns (the Groups), and then update the Blue columns. Do not edit/update any of the Red columns.

Order: This is the order of Groups within a level. If there are 5 Groups in the same level, these should be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Parent_Line_Split: This should be a decimal value between 0 and 1 representing what percentage of the distance between the parent nodes and the child node do you want the Parent_Line to display. In example 1 below, this value is set to .25 so the Parent_Line appears 25% of the way from the Parent Nodes to the Child Nodes. In example 2 below, the value is set to .5, so the Parent_Line appears half way between the Parent Nodes and the Child Nodes. I like to use .3 as the default and then adjust if this line ends up overlapping with other lines.

Two images, one shown with the setting at 25%, another at 50%

Group_Line_Split: This is exactly like the Parent_Line_Split, but it determines where the Group_Line will be placed. I like to use .6 as the default and then adjust if the line overlaps with another Group.

Offset_Mother/Offset_Father: These fields are only used if one of the Parents has multiple partners. You can use these fields to slightly offset the Parent_Lines coming from the Parent Nodes so they don’t overlap. If both Parents have only one partner, enter 0 in both of these fields. If just the Mother has multiple partners, enter a small value in the Offset_Mother field and a 0 in the Offset_Father field. You can use positive numbers to offset the lines one direction, and negative numbers to offset the lines in the other direction. You’ll want to enter very small values for these, somewhere between .001 and .01, and note that as the Level increases, the effect will increase, so the value in these fields should be smaller for higher levels. In my Ancient Mythologies viz, Zeus (the blue node) had 8 different partners, so these fields were used to offset those lines (see below)

An example of how this technique was used in the Mythologies visualization

Drop_Line_Offset: The last option in this sheet is to customize the position of the Parent_Drop_Line. This should be a value between -.5 and .5. By default, if you enter a value of 0, the line will be in the center, halfway between each of the parents. When you enter a value, that value is added to .5 to determine how far along the Parent_Line, the Parent_Drop_Line should be placed. In the example below, in the Red section, the value is 0, so the line is placed right in the center (0 +.5 = 50% of the way along the line). In the Blue section, the value is -.25 (-.25 + .5 = 25% of the way along the line). In the Orange section, the value is .5 (.5 + .5 = 100% of the way along the line).

Examples illustrating the results of different values
Levels sheet

The last tab in the Excel sheet is for the Levels. Any Level that is assigned in the Data sheet needs to be added to the Levels Sheet. And, as was the case with the other tabs, you will enter your data in the black columns (Levels) and make your updates in the blue columns.

Distance: This is how far from the center of the circle that level will be plotted. Make sure that the values increase as the Levels go up

Position_Start/Position_End: These are used to set the range for the position of all nodes in that level. For example, in my Mythologies viz, I used .1 for the Position_Start and .9 for the Position_End. So each chart started at 10% (around the circle) and ended at 90%, resulting in that kind of Pac-Man shape. If you want the nodes to go all the way around the circle, use 0 and 1.

One other note about Levels. Each “Level” can contain sub-levels where you can set individual ranges (Position_Start/Position_End). In the example below, I only had 4 nodes (across 2 Groups) in Level 4 of the Egyptian family tree. If I put these Groups in the same Level they would have been evenly spread across whatever range I had entered. But by putting them in separate Sub-Levels, I was able to assign different ranges to each group and have better control over the placement.

An image demonstrating how sub-levels were used in the original Mythologies viz

Building Our Chart

Hopefully I haven’t lost you yet because we’re just getting to the fun part. Let’s get building! As you’re filling out the template, you can refer to the completed file in the Google Drive, titled “Family_Data_Complete.xlsx”

When I’m using this template, I like to build it one level at a time and make adjustments as necessary. So let’s start with Level 1.

Level 1

In this Tree, instead of using people for the 1st level, I’m going to use the name of each of the major Houses. So in the Data Sheet, I’m going to add 8 records, one for each House. I’m going to put them all in the same Group (Houses) and just enter the House Name in the Mother/Father fields since they don’t have Parents.. I’m going to assign each of them their own color in the Color field by using the House Name as well. For the Order, there are 8 records in this group, so I will number them 1 thru 8, and then assign them all to Level 1. The Data should look like this.

Next, in the Groups sheet, I will enter the new Group (Houses) in column A, set the Order to 1 since there is only 1 Group in this Level, and set the rest of the values to 0 (there will be no Parent or Group lines in this first Level because there are no Parents). The Groups sheet should look like this.

And finally, in the Levels sheet, I will enter my new Level (1) in column A, set the Distance to 3 (you can enter any number in here, but spacing each level by 2 to 3 seems to work pretty well) and I’m going to set my Position_Start to .1 and my Position_End to .9 to get that Pac-Man shape. The Levels data should look like this.

Now if we save our Excel file and refresh the Extract in our Tableau Workbook, we should have something like this.

Level 2

Next up, we have the Heads of each of the Major Houses. Looking at the Family Tree on UsefulCharts, we can see that there is one Head listed for 5 of the Houses, 2 Heads listed for 2 of the Houses (Lannister & Tyrell), and none listed for 1 of the Houses (Martell). We’ll just use an “Unknown” placeholder for House Martell. So our next Level will have 10 nodes.

We’ll enter the names of all of these Characters in Column A. In the Group column, we’ll enter “Head(s) of House….[Insert House Name]”. For Mother & Father, since we want our Level 1 nodes to connect to these new Level 2 nodes, we’ll use the House Names. For Color, once again we’ll use the House Name (we’ll use this on Color for every Level). For the Order, we’ll add a sequential number to each value in each Group. So Groups that only have 1 member, we’ll enter a 1. For Groups that have 2 members, we’ll enter a 1 for the first record and a 2 for the second record. And finally, we’ll assign a value of 2 for the Level for all of these nodes.

The Data sheet for these records should look like this.

Next, on the Groups sheet, we need to add our 8 new Groups in Column A. Since these Groups are all on the same Level, we’ll enter a sequential number in the Order column, 1 thru 8. For the Parent_Line_Split and Group_Line_Split, we’ll use my typical default values of .3 and .6 respectively, and then enter 0’s for the rest of the columns. The Groups sheet, should look like this for those records.

And finally, on the Levels sheet, we’ll add our new Level (2) to Column A. For the Distance for Level 2 we’ll use 6 (adding 3 to the Distance from Level 1), and we’ll use the same Position_Start/Position_End values. The Levels tab should look like this for Level 2.

Now, if we save our Excel file and refresh our extract, it should look something like this.

Now you may notice a few issues with our work so far.

First, it appears as if the 2nd Level is out of Order. Notice in Level 1, we have House Arryn (light blue), then House Tully (dark blue), then House Stark (grey), then House Targaryen (black). But in the 2nd Level, it goes Arryn/Stark/Targaryen/Tully. So let’s adjust the Order in our Groups sheet so that the Level 2 nodes line up better with the Level 1 nodes.

I’ve adjusted the Order field to match the Order of the Houses.

Now save and refresh the extract.

That’s better, but there is still an issue. Look at the Group_Lines for House Baratheon (yellow) and House Lannister (red). They are overlapping. So let’s use our Group_Line_Split field to fix that. In the row for “Head of House Baratheon”, let’s change that from a .6 to a .5 to bring that line inward a bit.

If I save the file and refresh the extract, we can see that that Group Line has shifted inwards and is no longer overlapping.

Level 3

Next up, we have 3 children for Hoster Tully, 3 children for Rickard Stark, 3 children for Aerys Targaryen II, 3 children for Stefon Baratheon, 3 children for Tywin and Joanna Lannister, 1 child for Luthor and Olenna Tyrell, and 3 Children of the Unknown Head of House Martell. So let’s add all of those to Column A in our Data sheet. Each of these groups of children will be their own Group in the Group column, and we’ll add the Mother and Father names to those columns. Remember, if only one parent is known, enter that name in both the Mother and Father column. Again we’ll use the House Name for the Color. For the Order, number each accordingly within each group (1 thru 3 for groups with 3 children, 1 for groups with 1 child). And then assign Level 3 to all of these records. The Data sheet for Level 3 should look like this.

If you are looking at the Family Tree on UsefulCharts, you may have noticed that there is a child for Jon Arryn. However, the mother of this child is going to be in Level 3, so instead of adding them here, we’ll add that child to the next level, Level 4.

Next, we’ll add each of our new Groups to the Groups sheet in Column A. Then, we’ll set the order so it aligns with the previous levels. Finally, we’ll use our default values of .3 and .6 for the Parent_Line_Split and Group_Line_Split and set the other 3 columns to 0. The data in this tab for Level 3, should look like this.

And finally, we’ll add Level 3 to our Levels sheet with a distance of 9 and the same Position_Start/Position_End values as our previous levels. The Levels sheet should look like this for Level 3.

Once you save the Excel file and refresh the extract, the Tree should look like this.

Once again we have some overlap between House Baratheon (yellow) and House Lannister (red). And the lines for House Baratheon and House Targaryen (black) are extremely close. So let’s make some edits to fix both of these. I want to make these so they kind of cascade as they go around the circle, so I’ll keep the Group_Line_Split as it is, at .6 for House Targaryen (in the row for Group = Children of Aerys II), then for House Baratheon, I’ll reduce it slightly to .525 (in the row for Group = Children of Stefon Baratheon), and then reduce it slightly more for House Lannister to .45 (in the row for Group = Tywin and Joanna Lannister).

The revised data in the Groups sheet should look like this.

And now, when I save the file and refresh the extract, there is a little extra room for each of these lines.

Level 4

In our final level, we have 1 child for Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully, 5 children for Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully, 1 child for Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, 3 children for Jamie and Cersei Lannister, 2 children for Mace Tyrell, and 1 child each for Doran and Oberyn Martell. We’ll add all of these names to column A in our Data sheet, assign an appropriate group, update the Mother and Father, and enter the House name in the Color field. Notice that for the children of Jamie and Cersei Lannister, I assigned House Baratheon, as they were raised as Baratheons. Then assign sequential numbers for each group in the Order field, and assign Level 4 to all of these records.

The data for level 4 in the Data sheet should look like this.

Then update the Groups and Level sheets the same as we had done for the previous levels. The data in those tabs should look like this when you’re finished.

Save and refresh and your Tree should look like this.

It’s difficult to notice at first glance, but we do have one instance of overlapping lines here. In the Stark section (grey) there are actually 2 groups here. The first 5 are children of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully. The last one is Jon snow, child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, but raised as a Stark. So I’m going to update the Group_Line_Split for the row for Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, and set that to .5 instead of .6. And we’re done!!! Almost.

You could stop here, but one of the elements of the visualization I had created, which I think is really important, is the ability to highlight the lineage of any member of the tree, either by clicking on the node, or by selecting it in the parameter. This template already has that functionality built in, but in order for it to work, you need to update the Lineage.xlsx file.

Updating the Lineage File

The Lineage file has 3 key fields: a concatenated list of all ancestors (parents/grandparents/great-grandparents and so-on), a concatenated list of all spouses or co-parents, and a concatenated list of children. To update this file, start by downloading and opening the Lineage_Builder.tfl file.

First, edit the connection for the “Data” input so that it points to the Data sheet in your local copy of the Family_Data.xlsx file. Then, edit the Output step so it points to your locally saved copy of the Lineage.xlsx file

When running this workflow with new data you will most likely need to make some modifications to the flow. A lot of the steps in this flow rely on pivoting the data, assigning ranks, and then creating crosstabs with those rank values as the headers. Because those ranks will be dynamic depending on your data, you will need to modify some of the calculations. Also, depending on how many generations you are trying to map, you may need to add a few calculations to the first branch of the flow. So let’s go through all of that now. In the flow, you’ll notice there are 3 branches, one for each of our 3 lineage fields.

1st Branch – Parents

This branch of the flow is set up to support up to 6 generations. If your data has less than that (you should be able to tell from the number of levels you used), you do not need to make any major changes to the flow outside of a few calculations and you can skip ahead to the Modifying Calculations section below. If your data has more than 6 levels, you’ll need to add a few steps.

Adding Levels

If you look at the first Group in this flow, you’ll notice that the steps repeat.

Image demonstrating the repetitiveness of the flow

The first step pivots the Mother and Father columns so there is a row for each instead of a column for each. Then we rename the field “Level_1_Parent”.

The second step joins that “Level_1_Parent” field back to our Data sheet to get those people’s parents. We remove the extra Name and NameID fields and then we repeat the process.

The third step once again pivots the Mother and Father columns, and this time we rename that field “Level_2_Parent”.

Then we join back to the data again to get those people’s parents. And on and on it goes. If you need to add a Level 7, follow the steps below.

  • From the last step in the first box, Pivot Level 6 Parents, add a join. This should be a Left join from that step, to the Data input
  • Remove the extra Name and NameID fields
  • From the Join step, add a Pivot step
  • Add the Mother and Father fields to the Pivot Values column
  • Remove the Pivot Names field
  • Rename the Pivot Values to “Level_7_Parent”
  • Repeat for any additional levels
  • In the first step in the second Group (Create Lineage) named Pivot All Parents, add any new levels to the Pivot Values column
Modifying Calculations

The steps in the “Create Lineage” group will pivot all of the parents/grandparents/great-grandparents and so on and then remove duplicates. It will then assign a sequential number to each of these ancestors. So if person 1 has 10 ancestors, there will be 10 rows, numbered 1 thru 10. For person 2, the numbering will start over at 1. Then the flow creates a crosstab of this data, so there is now a column for each of those numbers. In this sample data, we only have 6 columns (named 1, 2, 3,…)

An image showing the numeric columns that need to be addressed

The last step in this branch of the flow just combines all of these numbered fields into a single, pipe-delimited, concatenated field. Check to see how many numbered fields you have, and then edit the “Lineage_Parent” calculation accordingly.

An image showing the current calculation for the sample data

For example, if your flow has 10 of these columns, you’ll need to add an additional 4 rows to this calculation (one row for [7], one row for [8], and so on). In this same step of the flow, you’ll also want to remove all of those numeric columns. The version as is removes 1 thru 6, but if there are additional columns, you’ll want to remove those as well.

2nd & 3rd Branches

In these branches, you do not need to add any steps, no matter how many children or partners any of the people in your data have had. You will, however, have to update the last step in both of these branches, the same way we did for the 1st Branch.

Modifying Calculations

In the 2nd branch of the flow, go to the 2nd to last step, labelled “Crosstab”, check to see how many number columns were created. In our sample data, there was only 1, but if any of the people in your data had children with multiple partners, there may be additional columns. Go to the last step in the 2nd branch, labelled “Create Strings” and modify the “Lineage_Spouse” calculation the same way we did for the 1st Branch. To make this a little easier, I’ve left up to 6 rows in the calculation and commented them out. You can just remove the // from the start of any line to include that row in your calculation. In this step of the flow, you’ll also want to remove any of the extra number columns.

Repeat all of these steps for the 3rd branch of the flow to get a concatenated list of children.

Other Notes

So that’s pretty much it. Just a few other quick things I want to mention before we wrap it up.

There is a parameter called “Rotation”. You can use this to rotate your viz. In my original Mythologies viz, you’ll notice the first Tree has the opening to the right, the second Tree has the opening to the left, and the third Tree has the opening to the right again. For the first and third, I set this parameter to .25, which rotates the viz 1/4 of the way around, or 25%. For the second, I set this parameter to .75, rotating the Tree 75%.

There is also a parameter called “Thickness”. You can use this to make the white circles (Base_II), larger or smaller. The higher the value, the thicker the colored rings will appear (white circles will shrink). The lower the value, the thinner the colored rings will appear (white circles will grow).

And lastly, you may notice that there are 2 filters applied. If you remove these filters, you may not notice any changes to the chart in Desktop, but it may result in some weird behavior once published to Tableau Public. For some reason, Tableau Public seems to have an issue trying to render identical marks that are stacked on top of each other. Lines end up thicker then they should, and other mark types sometimes get fuzzy and weird. There also seems to be an issue when there are too many points plotted too closely together.

The “Extra_Point_Filter” limits the number of points that are used in all of the curved lines. Remember there are 100 points in our Densification table dedicated to these lines, but sometimes the lines end up being very short. This filter basically allows all 100 points to be used for the longest line, compares the length of all other lines to that longest line, and uses the appropriate number of points (ex. if a line is half as long as the longest line, only 50 points will be used instead of 100)

The “Extra Lines Filter” removes extra Parent and Group Lines. The way this is set up, it will draw these lines for every node, so if there are 5 nodes in a Group, 5 identical lines will be drawn and “stacked” on top of each other. This calculation removes all of those extra lines.

There are also 2 Dashboard Actions set up in the template. One is just to remove the default highlighting when you click on a node. You can read more about that technique here. The second is a Parameter Action to save the selection when a node is clicked. Clicking the same node again will remove that selection.

I think that’s about it. If you made it to the end of this post, and have had a chance to test out this process, please let us know. As always, we would love to see what you were able to create with it!

How-To's Totally Useless Charts

Totally Useless Charts & How to Build Them – Curvy Bump Chart with Bars

Ok, so this chart may not be totally useless, but I’m going to keep it in this category because it’s something I would never build at work. I love a good bump chart, but there is one major limitation with traditional bump charts. They are great for displaying changes in rankings over time, but what about the data driving those rankings. How much has a value changed from one period to the next? How much separation is there between #1 and #2? Surely a bar chart would be better for that type of insight right? Well, in this tutorial, we’re going to walk through building a chart that combines all of the benefits of bump charts and bar charts, and with some fancy curves to boot.

I’m sure I’m not the first to build this type of chart, but the first time I used it was in my 2020 Iron Viz Submission to show Happiness Scores by continent over time.

An image showing an example of this chart type used in a previous visualization

Looking back, there are definitely some things I would change about this, and I’m going to address those in the chart we are about to build. The data we’re going to be using for today’s walkthrough is on Browser Usage Share over the last 13 Years (showing usage at every 3-year increment). You can find the sample data here, and the sample workbook here. This is what we’re going to build.

An image of a curvy bump chart with bars displaying the percentage of usage share for different browsers

Building Your Data Source

Our data source (on the Data tab in the sample file) contains 5 fields. We have a Time Period (our Year field), a Dimension (the Browser), and a Value (the Share of Usage). There are also 2 calculated fields in this file. These could be calculated in Tableau using table calcs, but because of the complexity of some of the other calculations, we’re going to make it as easy as possible and calculate these in the data source. The [Period] field, is just a sequential number, starting at 1, and it is related to the Date field. The [Rank] field is the ranking of each Browser within that period.

On the next tab (Densification), we have our densification data. There is a [Type] field, which will allow us to apply different calculations, in the same view, for our bars and our lines. There is a [Points] field, which will be used to calculate the coordinates for all points for both the bars and the lines. And there is a [T] field, which will be used to draw the sigmoid curves connecting each of the bars.

If you are building this with a different set of data, just replace the Date, Browser, and Share fields in the Data Tab. The calculated fields should update automatically.

Now for joining this data. We are going to do two joins in the Physical layer in Tableau. We are going to do a self-join on the Data to bring in the rank for the next period, and we’re going to join to our densification data using a join calc.

To get started, connect to the Sample Data in Tableau and bring out the Data table. Then double-click to go into the physical layer. Now drag out the Data table again. First, join on [Browser]. Then create a join calculation on the left side of the join, [Period]+1 and join that to [Period]. Then set it as a Left Join. It should look something like this.

An image demonstrating a self-join

Now bring out your Densification table, and join that to the Data Table using a join calculation, with a value of 1 on both sides of the join. Like this.

An image demonstrating a join to a densification table

Now go to a new worksheet and rename the following fields.

Period(Data1) change to Next Period

Rank(Data1) change to Next Rank

I would also recommend hiding all other fields from the Data1 table to avoid confusion later on.

Building the Bars

To build the bars in this chart, we are going to use polygons. So we’ll need to calculate the coordinates for all 4 corners for each of our bars. Let’s start with Y, since that one is a little easier.

The first thing we are going to do is create a parameter to set the thickness of our bars. Create a parameter called [Bar Width], set the Data Type to Float, and set the Current Value to .75.

We are going to use the [Rank] field as the base for these calculations. Then, we are going to add half of the [Bar Width] value to get the upper Y values, and subtract half of the [Bar Width] value to get the lower Y values. Let’s create a calculated field for each of those, called [Y_Top] and [Y_Bottom].

Y_Top = [Rank]+([Bar Width]/2)

Y_Bottom = [Rank]-([Bar Width]/2)

If you look back at our Densification table, we have 4 points for the Bars, one for each corner. The order of these doesn’t really matter (but it is important that you are consistent when calculating the X and Y coordinates). In this example, we are going to start with point 1 at the bottom left, point 2 at the top left, point 3 at the top right, and point 4 at the bottom right. Like this.

An image highlighting the 4 points of a rectangle, starting in the bottom left, and ending at the bottom right

Now we’ll create a calculated field that will calculate the Y value for all 4 points. Call this [Bar_Y]

CASE [Points]
WHEN 1 THEN [Y_Bottom]
WHEN 4 THEN [Y_Bottom]

Now we need to do something similar for our X values, but instead of calculating the top and bottom positions, we need to calculate the left and right positions. Here, we will use the [Period] field as the base (which will also be the left side value), and then add the length of the bar to get the right side values.

If you remember from earlier, our [Period] field is a sequential number, starting at 1, and in this example, ending at 6. So each period has a width of 1. But we don’t want our bars going all the way up to the next period, so we’ll use a parameter to add a little spacing. Create a parameter called [Period Spacing], set the Data Type to Float, and set the Current Value to .3.

With this parameter and it’s current value, our largest bar in the chart should have a length of .7 (or 1 minus .3). All of our others bars should be sized relative to that. But first, we need to find our max value, which we will do with a Level of Detailed Calculation called [Max Value].

Max Value = {MAX([Share])}

And now we’ll calculate the length of all of our bars by dividing their [Share] by that [Max Value], and then multiplying that by our maximum bar length of .7 (or 1 minus .3). Call this calculation [Bar Length]

Bar Length = ([Share]/[Max Value])*(1-[Period Spacing])

Now, similar to what we did for our Y values, we are going to create calculated fields for [X_Left] and [X_Right]. [X_Left] will just be the [Period] value, and [X_Right] is just the [Period Value] plus the length of the bar, or [Bar Length]

X_Left = [Period]

X_Right = [Period]+[Bar Length]

Let’s take another quick look at the order of points.

An image highlighting the 4 points of a rectangle, starting in the bottom left, and ending at the bottom right

So Point 1 should be the left value, Point 2 should also be the left value, Point 3 should be the right value, and Point 4 should also be the right value. So let’s use this to calculate [Bar_X].

CASE [Points]
WHEN 1 THEN [X_Left]
WHEN 2 THEN [X_Left]
WHEN 3 THEN [X_Right]
WHEN 4 THEN [X_Right]

Now let’s test out our calculations so far.

  • Drag [Type] to the filter shelf and filter on “Bar”
  • Right click on [Bar_X], drag it to Columns, and when prompted, choose [Bar_X] without aggregation
  • Right click on [Bar_Y], drag it to Rows, and when prompted, choose [Bar_Y] without aggregation
  • Right click on the Y axis, select Edit Axis, and then click on the “Reversed” checkbox
  • Change the Mark Type to “Polygon”
  • Right click on [Points], drag it to Path, and when prompted, choose [Points] without aggregation
  • Drag [Browser] onto Color
  • Right click on [Period], drag it to Detail, and when prompted, choose [Period] without aggregation

When finished, your view should look something like this.

An example of what the polygon bars should look like at this point

Now onto our lines!

Building the Lines

Before starting this section, I would recommend taking a look at Part 3 of the Fun With Curves Blog Series on Sigmoid Curves.

The first calculation we need is [Sigmoid]. As I mention in the post above, this is a mathematical function that will appropriately space our Y values.

Sigmoid = 1/(1+EXP(1)^-[T])

Now, let’s calculate the Y coordinates, which in this case, we’ll call [Curve]. To calculate this, we’re going to use the [Rank] field as our base. Then we’re going to calculate the total vertical distance between the rankings for one period and the next and multiply that by our Sigmoid function to get the appropriate spacing. In the calculation below, the first part is optional, and is included only for labelling purposes. For the final period, there is no [Next Period], so this value would end up being blank, resulting in no label in our final step. So feel free to skip it and just use the portion between ELSE and END if you’re not going to label the bars.

Curve = IF [Period]={MAX([Period])} THEN [Rank] ELSE [Rank] + (([Next Rank] – [Rank]) * [Sigmoid]) END

The [Curve] calculation will give us our Y coordinates for all of points, so we just need X. Before we do that, let’s create one more Parameter that will be used to add a little spacing between the end of the bar and the start of our line (so the line doesn’t run through the label, making it difficult to read). Call this Parameter [Label Spacing], set the Data Type to Float, and set the Current Value to .15.

Now, we’re going to create a calculation for the start of our lines, which will be the end of the bar + spacing. I’ve also added a little additional logic so that the amount of spacing will depend on whether the label is 1 or 2 characters. If the [Share] value is less than 10 (1 character), we’ll multiply the [Label Spacing] by .7, and if it’s over 10, we’ll use the [Label Spacing] as is. Call this calculation [Line_Start].

Line Start = [X_Right]+IF [Share]<10 THEN [Label Spacing]*.75 ELSE [Label Spacing] END

Our next calculation will calculate the horizontal spacing for our points. In our Densification table, we have 25 Points for the lines, and this calculation will be used to evenly space those points between the end of one bar (plus the spacing for the label), and the start of the next bar. Call this calculation [Point Spacing].

Point Spacing = if [Period]={MAX([Period])} THEN 0
ELSE ([Next Period]-[Line_Start])/({COUNTD([Points])-1})

Similar to the [Curve] calculation, the first part of this IF statement is only for labelling purposes. If you’re not going to label your bars, you can just use the portion of the calculation between ELSE and END.

And now, with our [Line_Start] and our [Point_Spacing] fields, we can calculate the X coordinates for all 25 of points of each line. Call this [Line_X].

Line_X = [Line_Start]+(([Points]-1)*[Point Spacing])

Now let’s test out our calculations.

  • Drag [Type] to the filter shelf and filter on “Line”
  • Right click on [Line_X], drag it to Columns, and when prompted, choose [Line_X] without aggregation
  • Right click on [Curve], drag it to Rows, and when prompted, choose [Curve] without aggregation
  • Right click on the Y axis, select Edit Axis, and then click on the “Reversed” checkbox
  • Change the Mark Type to “Line”
  • Right click on [Points], drag it to Path, and when prompted, choose [Points] without aggregation
  • Drag [Browser] onto Color
  • Right click on [Period], drag it to Detail, and when prompted, choose [Period] without aggregation

When finished, it should look something like this.

An example of what the curved lines should look like at this point

Now all that is left to do is to combine our “Bar” calculations and our “Line” calculations in the same view.

Building the Final Chart

Because of the way we set up our Densification table, we have separate points for each of our bars and each of our lines. With just a few more simple calculations, we can bring everything together in the same view.

We want to leverage two different Mark Types in this view, Bar and Line, so we’ll need to create a Dual Axis chart. In order to do this, we’ll need a shared Field on either the Column or Row shelf, and then we’ll need separate fields for our Lines and Bars on the other Shelf. In this example, we’ll create a shared field for Rows, called [Final_Y].

Final_Y = IF [Type]=”Bar” THEN [Bar_Y] ELSE [Curve] END

This calculation is pretty straight forward. For our “Bar” records (where the [Type] field in our densification table = Bar), use the Y coordinates for our Bars, [Bar_Y]. Otherwise, use the Y coordinates for our Lines, [Curve]. We’re going to do something similar for X, but we need separate calculated fields for the Bars and Lines to create our Dual Axis. We’ll call these [Final_X_Bar] and [Final_X_Line].

Final_X_Bar = IF [Type]=”Bar” THEN [Bar_X] END

Final_X_Line = IF [Type]=”Line” THEN [Line_X] END

And now we’ll use those 3 calculated fields to build our final view. Let’s start with the Bars.

  • Right click on [Final_X_Bar], drag it to Columns, and when prompted, choose [Final_X_Bar] without aggregation
  • Right click on [Final_Y], drag it to Rows, and when prompted, choose [Final_Y] without aggregation
  • Right click on the Y axis, select Edit Axis, and then click on the “Reversed” checkbox
  • Change the Mark Type to “Polygon”
  • Right click on [Points], drag it to Path, and when prompted, choose [Points] without aggregation
  • Drag [Browser] onto Color
  • Right click on [Period], drag it to Detail, and when prompted, choose [Period] without aggregation
  • Drag [Type] to Detail

And now we’ll add our lines.

  • Right click on [Final_X_Line], drag it on to Columns to the right of [Final_X_Bar], and when prompted, choose [Final_X_Line] without aggregation
  • Right click on [Final_X_Line] on the Column Shelf and select “Dual Axis”
  • Right click on either X axis and choose “Synchronize Axis”
  • On the Marks Card, select the [Final_X_Line] Card
  • Change the Mark Type to “Line”
  • Remove “Measure Names” from Color
  • On the Marks Card, select the [Final_X_Bar] Card and remove “Measure Names” from Color
  • Right click on the Null indicator in the bottom right corner and select “Hide Indicator”

When finished, the chart should look something like this.

An example showing what the bars and curved lines together should look like at this point

Now for the final touches

Formatting the Chart

All of these steps are optional and you can format the chart however you’d like. But these are some of the adjustments that I made in my version.

First, I added labels. You can’t label Polygons, so our label has to go on the [Final_X_Line] Card. So click on that Card and then drag the [Share] field out onto Label. Then click on Label and under “Marks to Label”, choose “Line Ends”, and under “Options”, choose “Label start of line”. Then, because the values in my [Share] field are whole numbers instead of percentages (ex. 20% is listed as 20 instead of .2), I added a “%” to the end of the label (by clicking on the Text option) and formatted the field as a Whole Number. The Label options should look like this

An image showing the described Label options

Those Label options, along with the [Label Spacing] parameter we created earlier, should give you a pretty nice looking label between the end of your Bar and the start of the Line.

Next, I cleaned up and formatted the Axis. For the X axis, I set the Range from .9 to 7 and then hid both of the X axes. For the Y axis, I set the range from .5 to 9.5, and set the Major Tick Interval to 1. I then removed the Axis title and made the text a bit larger. I also used a Custom Number Format, so I could put a “#” sign before the Ranking number. Like this.

An image showing the Custom Number formatting with "#"0

Then I added some Grid Lines on Columns to give the Bars a uniform starting point, and some really faint Grid Lines on Rows to make it easier to track the position for any given Bar.

Finally, on the dashboard, I added a Title, I added a second simple worksheet to display the Years, and added a Color Legend that can also be used to Highlight any of the Browsers. And here’s the final version.

An image of the final visualization

As always, thank you so much for reading, and if you happen to use this tutorial or the template, please reach out and share what you built with us. We would love to see it! Until next time.

How-To's Tableau Techniques

Happy New Year! Your Dashboard is Broken…

Hi Jacqui,

Hope you had a Happy New Year! Can you please look at <the super important dashboard>? It seems to be broken. Everything is blank…


Have you ever come into the office on the first day of the new year, and found that your dashboards are blank, broken, or still looking at last year? Don’t worry. You’re in good company. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Using calculations, you can avoid some of the issues that can happen at the start of a new period.

The Challenge: When you have dashboards or views that filter on a specific year, or the current year and prior year, you will need to update filters, and colors, and hide previous years when the new year rolls around.

I have an example dashboard here. A simple dashboard showing the current year and previous year, with YoY Growth, and a monthly trend chart:

When the new year rolls around, it’s going to have new colors, and my YoY Growth sheet is going to need to be updated. I used a relative date filter, but if I had hard-coded the year in filters or calculations, that would need to be updated as well.

The Solution:

Rather than using the date field in your views, you can use calculations to ensure your rollover to the new year goes smoothly.

If I use a calculated field to determine the current and prior year, I avoid the issues above.

  • Create a calculation called “Period”
IF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],TODAY()) = 0 THEN 'Current Year'
ELSEIF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],TODAY()) = 1 THEN 'Prior Year'
  • Replace anywhere you are using the year with this new calculation. In my example, I’ve replaced the Color, and the Filter to use the “Period” calculation.

The dashboard looks the same, but now, when the year rolls over, I don’t need to make any updates. Without making any changes, my dashboard has rolled over to 2023 seamlessly.

Now, it is possible that your stakeholders would like to see the previous year until the first month of the new year is complete. To do this, we just need to incorporate a lag into our calculation.

There are several ways to approach this, depending on what kind of lag you want to include. Here, I’m saying, if the month is January, then I want to keep looking at the prior two years, otherwise, I want to look at the current year and prior year.

//Period With January Lag
IF MONTH([Current Date]) = 1 THEN 
    IF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 1 THEN 'Current Year'
    ELSEIF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 2 THEN 'Prior Year'
    IF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 0 THEN 'Current Year'
    ELSEIF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 1 THEN 'Prior Year'

Now, if the current date is in January, it will still show me the previous two years. This prevents the blank dashboard when you arrive on January 2nd.

On February 1st, my dashboard will roll over seamlessly:

In addition, we can solve for a couple of other issues you may have.

If your analysis is for Year to Date (YTD):

We can modify this calculation to handle YTD filters, by adding a second part to the prior year calculation:

//Period To Date
IF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 0 THEN 'Current Year'
ELSEIF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 1 
    AND [Ship Date]<=DATEADD('year',-1,[Current Date]) 
THEN 'Prior Year'

We will end up with a dashboard that will always compare Current YTD to Prior YTD. This can also be combined with the lag logic from earlier.

If you only want to show the last COMPLETE month:

Often we will see the trend line taking a deep dive when a new month starts:

This can be avoided by setting up a lag, so you are looking at only the last complete month. We do this using DATETRUNC.

//Period with Complete Month Lag
IF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 0 
    AND [Ship Date]<DATETRUNC('month',[Current Date])
    THEN 'Current Year'
ELSEIF DATEDIFF('year',[Ship Date],[Current Date]) = 1 
    AND [Ship Date]<DATEADD('year',-1,DATETRUNC('month',[Current Date])) 
THEN 'Prior Year'

Now, we won’t see the line drop at the start of a new month, and we won’t see a blank dashboard on day one of the new year.

These are not the only way to perform these calculations. They may not even be the best way to write the calculation. However, you can take the concepts of these calculations, and apply them to a number of use cases, including:

  • Showing the last complete week, or month
  • Showing comparisons of specific time frames, such as last 30 days vs. prior 30 days.

For more of this, and so many other date calculations, check out this post over on the Flerlage Twins site.

Will Perkins also did a great presentation on use cases for DATEDIFF, which is also a great one to watch!

Now, go forth, and enjoy the last time you will spend the first week of the new year updating your dashboards 🙂

How-To's Tableau Techniques

Gradient Chord Chart

Chord charts are a great way to display and quantify relationships between entities, but there are some limitations. Recently, I built a series of chord charts to show which actors have appeared together in films, and how often. Once I had built out the charts and attempted to add some color, I hit a wall. In some cases, when building these relationship diagrams, there is a logical directional flow to the relationship. Something moves from Entity 1 (Source) to Entity 2 (Target). In those cases, its easy to assign meaningful color to the chart. You can assign it by Source if you want to highlight where things are flowing from, or you can assign it by Target if you want to highlight where things are flowing to. But what if there is no flow to the relationship? How do you assign color then?

This roadblock got me thinking. If I want to add a unique color to each Entity in my chart, and there is no directional flow, then the color of the chord should be a blend of the two colors. Or better yet, it should transition from one color to the other. I have seen others do some really cool stuff with applying gradients to “solid” chart types. Ken Flerlage has an excellent post here about applying gradients to Bar Charts and Area Charts. There’s another great post from Ivett Kovacs about gradients here. Some different techniques, but the foundation is the same. If you want to apply a gradient to an otherwise “solid” chart, use a series of thin lines to “color in” the chart. So that’s exactly what I did.

I’ll warn you ahead of time, this is going to be a long post. But if you’re just interested in building one of these charts, and not so much in how to build it, I’ve got some templates for you to use. Just follow the instructions in the “Setting Up Your Data Source” section below, and swap out the data source in the template workbook. You can download the template here, and download the sample data here.

Setting Up Your Data Source

In the sample data (link above), there are two tabs; one for our data, and one for densification. You do not need to make any changes to the Densification table, but I’ll talk through the setup as we build each section of this chart. In the Base Data, you should only update the first four columns and not the calculated fields (red text) in the next five columns. Here is a quick explanation of each field and what it represents

From_ID: Unique Identifier for each Source entity. This should be a sequential number starting at 1 and ending at however many entities you have in your data. For each entity, you may have multiple rows, one for each relationship, but they should all have the same From_ID.

From_Name: A display name for each Source entity.

To_Name: A display name for the other entity in the relationship, or the “Target”.

Value: The measure being displayed. In the sample data, this value field represents the number of movies that the two actors appeared in together.

The following fields should not be changed. They will update automatically based on the first 4 columns, but here is a quick description of what they are calculating.

To_ID: This is a lookup to get the correct ID for the Target entity

From_Total: This is a sum of the Value field for each Source entity

From_Run_Total: This is a running total of the Value field

Unique_Relationship: This is a unique identifier for the relationship

Unique_Relationship_Order: This is used to identify the first and second occurrence of each Unique_Relationship (there will be two rows for each relationship, one where Actor 1 is the Source and Actor 2 is the Target, and one where Actor 2 is the Source and Actor 1 is the Target).

If you are building these charts from scratch, I would still recommend downloading the template to see how the Data Source is set up. In order to get the running total value for the Target, or the end of each chord, we are doing a self-join in the Physical Layer on the Base Data table (see below for join conditions). Then, we are re-naming the [From_Run_Total] field from the right side of that join (Base Data1) to [To_Run_Total]. And then we are joining to the Densification table using a join calculation (value of 1 on each side). Here is what the joins look like in our data source.

Building the Chart

This chart is actually comprised of 4 different sections, identified by the ShapeType field in the densification table. There are the outer polygons (Outer_Poly), the gradient chords (Inner_Lines), the borders for the gradient chords (Inner_Lines_Border), and a small rounded polygon on the end of each chord (Lines_End_Poly) to fill the gap between the chords and the outer polygons.

An image showing the 4 unique sections that make up the gradient chord chart

Before we start working on any of these individual sections, there are a number of calculations that we are going to need for all of them.

First, let’s create a parameter that will let us control the spacing between each of the outer polygons. Call this parameter [Section Spacing], set the data type to Float, and set the value very low, around .01. Once you have the chart built you can set this higher for more spacing, or lower for less spacing.

Now let’s use that parameter, along with the Max of our running total field from the data source (which represents the grand total of the [Value] field), to calculate the width of our spacing between polygons. We’ll call this [Section Spacing Width]

Section Spacing Width = [Section Spacing]*{MAX([From Run Total])}

Now we need an adjusted grand total that accounts for all of the spaces as well. We’ll call this [Max Run Total – Adj] and it will be our grand total plus the number of spaces * the width of the spaces.

Max Run Total – Adj = {MAX([From Run Total])+MAX([From ID]*[Section Spacing Width])}

Next, we want to calculate the position around the circle where each of our sections, or entities, will start. We’ll do this by subtracting the [Value] field from the running total, adding the spacing for all previous sections, and then dividing that by our adjusted grand total. Call this field [Section_Start].

Section_Start = { FIXED [From ID] : MIN(([From Run Total]-[Value]) + (([From ID]-1)*[Section Spacing Width]))} / [Max Run Total – Adj]

Now we need to do the same thing to calculate the position around the circle where each section ends. The only difference between this and the previous calc, is that we are going to use the running total without subtracting the value. Call this field [Section_End]

Section_End = { FIXED [From ID] : MAX([From Run Total] + (([From ID]-1)*[Section Spacing Width]))} / [Max Run Total – Adj]

Now for an easy one. Let’s calculate the width of each section by subtracting the [Section_Start] from the [Section_End]. Call this [Section_Width].

Section_Width = [Section_End]-[Section_Start]

Next, we need to do the same thing to get the start and end positions for each of the “sub-sections”, or each of the entity’s relationships. The calculations are almost identical, the only difference is that we are fixing the Level of Detail calculations on [From_ID] and [To_ID], instead of just [From_ID]. Call these calculations [From_SubSection_Start] and [From_SubSection_End].

From_SubSection_Start = { FIXED [From ID],[To ID] : MIN(([From Run Total]-[Value]) + (([From ID]-1)*[Section Spacing Width]))} / [Max Run Total – Adj]

From_SubSection_End = { FIXED [From ID],[To ID] : MAX([From Run Total] + (([From ID]-1)*[Section Spacing Width]))} / [Max Run Total – Adj]

And just like before, we’ll create a simple calculation to get the “width” of these sub-sections. Call this calculation [SubSection_Width].

SubSection_Width = [From_SubSection_End]-[From_SubSection_Start]

Next, we need to do the same thing, but need to calculate the start and end position for the other end, or Target, of each relationship. The calculations are the same as above except we’ll use the [To_Run_Total] instead of [From_Run_Total] and [To_ID] instead of [From_ID]. Call these calculations [To_SubSection_Start] and [To_SubSection_End].

To_SubSection_Start = { FIXED [From ID],[To ID] : MIN(([To Run Total]-[Value]) + (([To ID]-1)*[Section Spacing Width]))} / [Max Run Total – Adj]

To_SubSection_End = { FIXED [From ID],[To ID] : MAX([To Run Total] + (([To ID]-1)*[Section Spacing Width]))} / [Max Run Total – Adj]

And finally, we need a simple calculation to get the total number of points for each of our shape types. Call this calculation [Max Point].

Max Point = { FIXED [Shape Type] : MAX([Points])}


Before we move on, let’s take a look at our densification table. In this table, we have 5 fields.

Shapetype: Corresponds to the 4 sections of the chart mentioned previously.

Points: Used, along with Side, to calculate the positions of every point, in every element of the chart.

Order: Used on Path to tell Tableau how to connect our Points.

Side: Used to differentiate between the interior and exterior “lines” for the outer polygons and chords.

Line ID: Used on Detail to segment our lines appropriately. For all sections of the chart, other than the Inner_Lines, this value will be 1, since we want one continuous line for the polygons, and for the borders of the chords. For the Inner_Lines, we have values from 1 to 1,000, so we can “color” our chart with up to 1,000 lines per chord.

These fields are used in slightly different ways in each section of the chart, so we’ll talk about them more as we start building.

Building the Outer Polygons

First, let’s take another quick look at our densification table. For the outer polygons, identified by Shapetype=Outer_Poly, we have a total of 50 records. The Order field, used to tell Tableau how to connect the points, is a sequential number from 1 to 50. Then there is the Points field, which is used to calculate the position of each point around the circle. This number goes from 1 to 25, where the Side field = Min, and repeats where the Side field = Max. This will allow us to draw two parallel lines (Min and Max), and then connect them together to create those outer polygons. And lastly, the Line ID has a value of 1 because we are “drawing” one continuous “line” for each of these polygons. Clear as mud right? Here’s a quick illustration to help visualize how these fields function together.

This image shows side by side how the Points and Order fields are used

Before we start building the calculations for this section, we need a few parameters. The first is just going to be a generic value for the radius of our circle. The second, is going to determine the thickness of these outer polygons.

Create a parameter called [Radius], set the data type to Float and set the Current value to 10. This can be any number you want, it doesn’t really matter, we just need something to determine the size of our chart.

Next, create a parameter called [Outer_Poly_Thickness], set the data type to Float, and set the Current value to 1. You can play around with this number to get the thickness you want, but I would recommend setting it somewhere around 10% of the [Radius] value.

Now for our calculations. Going back to Part 1 of the Fun with Curves in Tableau Series, we know that we need 2 inputs to plot points around a circle. We need the distance of each point from the center of the circle, and we need the position of each point around the circle. Let’s start with the distance.

In the image from earlier in this section, we see that we need two lines that follow the same path, one for Min and one for Max. So these two lines will have different distances from the center. For the Min line, we’ll just use the [Radius] of our circle. For the Max line, we’ll use the [Radius] plus our [Outer_Poly_Thickness] parameter. Create a calculated field called [Outer_Poly_Distance].

Outer_Poly_Distance = IF [Side]=”Min” THEN [Radius] ELSE [Radius]+[Outer_Poly_Thickness] END

Next, we need to calculate the position of the points. Each of our polygons are going to be different lengths, depending on the [Value] field in our data source, so we need to calculate the spacing of each point (to evenly space 25 points along the two “lines”). Earlier, we calculated the start and end position for each of these polygons, and we’ll use those to calculate the spacing, or “width”, that each point covers. Create a calculated field called [Outer_Poly_Point_Width].

Outer_Poly_Point_Width = [Section_Width]/([Max Point]-1)

And now we’ll use that, along with the start position of each polygon, to calculate the position for each of our 25 points. Point 1 will be positioned at the start of the polygon, Point 25 will be positioned at the end of the polygon, and the remaining 23 points will be equally spaced between those two points. Call this calculation [Outer_Poly_Point_Position].

Outer_Poly_Point_Position = [Section_Start]+(([Points]-1)*[Outer_Poly_Point_Width])

Now we have the two inputs needed to calculate all of our points for these outer polygons. We just need to plug them into our X and Y calculations.

Outer_Poly_X = [Outer_Poly_Distance]* SIN(2*PI() * [Outer_Poly_Point_Position])

Outer_Poly_Y = [Outer_Poly_Distance]* COS(2*PI() * [Outer_Poly_Point_Position])

Let’s pause here and build a quick view to test out our calculations so far.

  • Drag [ShapeType] to filter and filter on “Outer_Poly”
  • Change Mark Type to Polygon
  • Right click on [Outer_Poly_X], drag it to Columns, and when prompted, choose Outer_Poly_X without aggregation
  • Right click on [Outer_Poly_Y], drag it to Rows, and when prompted, choose Outer_Poly_Y without aggregation
  • Drag [From_ID] to color
  • Right click on [Order], convert to Dimension, and then drag to Path

If all of the calculations are correct, your sheet should look something like this.

An image showing what the outer polygons should look like

One section down, three more to go.

Building the Line End Polygons

Next, let’s build the small rounded polygons that are going to go at the end of each of our chords. The calculations will be pretty similar to the previous section. For those outer polygons, we essentially drew two curved lines that followed the same path, and then connected those lines by using the Polygon Mark Type, and using our [Order] field on Path. Now, we basically want to do the same thing, but with a few minor differences. Instead of drawing two lines, we only need to draw one. Tableau will automatically connect our first and last point, resulting in a small semi-circle. The other difference is that instead of drawing one polygon for each entity (actor in this example), we need to draw a polygon for each relationship.

To draw these polygons, we need the same exact 5 calculations as we did in the previous section, but with some modifications. To start, let’s build a parameter to control the spacing between these polygons, and the outer polygons. Call this parameter [Poly_Spacing], set the data type to Float, and set the current value to .25. Again, once the view is built, you can play with this parameter to get the spacing you want.

Next, we need to calculate the distance of our points from the center of the circle. We’ll do this by subtracting our [Poly_Spacing] value from the [Radius] . Call this calculation [Line_End_Poly_Distance].

Line_End_Poly_Distance = [Radius]-[Poly_Spacing]

Next, we need to calculate the position for our 25 points, just like we did in the previous section. The only difference here, is that instead of using the section start and section end, we’re going to use the sub-section start, and sub-section end, since we need to create these for each relationship. Call this calculation [Line_End_Poly_Point_Width].

Line_End_Poly_Point_Width = [SubSection_Width]/([Max Point]-1)

Using that, along with our Subsection start calculation, we can calculate the position of all 25 points for these polygons. Call this calculation [Line_End_Poly_Point_Position].

Line_End_Poly_Point_Position = [From_SubSection_Start]+(([Points]-1)*[Line_End_Poly_Point_Width])

And now we just need to plug these inputs into our X and Y calculations.

Line_End_Poly_X = [Line_End_Poly_Distance]* SIN(2*PI() * [Line_End_Poly_Point_Position])

Line_End_Poly_Y = [Line_End_Poly_Distance]* COS(2*PI() * [Line_End_Poly_Point_Position])

Once again, let’s pause to check our work.

  • Drag [ShapeType] to filter and filter on “Line_End_Poly”
  • Change Mark Type to Polygon
  • Right click on [Outer_Poly_X], drag it to Columns, and when prompted, choose Outer_Poly_X without aggregation
  • Right click on [Outer_Poly_Y], drag it to Rows, and when prompted, choose Outer_Poly_Y without aggregation
  • Drag [From_ID] to Color
  • Drag [To_ID] to Detail
  • Right click on [Order], convert to Dimension, and then drag to Path

When complete, the line end polygons should look something like this.

An image showing what the line end polygons should look like

We’re halfway there! Kind of…

Building the Inner Line Borders

Now we need to build our chords. Let’s start with the borders since those are a little more straightforward, and will make the last section a little easier to understand.

Going back to Part 2 of the Fun with Curves in Tableau Series, we know that we need 3 sets of coordinates to create our bezier curves; one for the start of the line, one for the end of the line, and one for the mid-point. Since we’re building a chord chart, we’ll use 0,0, for the mid-point. So that just leaves the start and end of our lines.

As always, we’ll need 2 inputs to calculate these coordinates, the distance and position. The distance is easy. It’s going to be the same distance as our Line End Polygons, [Radius] – [Poly_Spacing]. The position is a little more tricky.

For each of our chords, we’re going to need 2 lines, one for the interior, or Min, line, and one for the exterior, or Max line.

An image showing the two lines, the Min and Max, that will be used to create the chords

Notice the Min Line, starts at the end of the first chord, or sub-section, and then ends at the start of the target sub-section. The opposite is true for the Max Line. This line starts at the start of the first chord, and ends at the end of the target sub-section. We have already calculated the position for all of those sections, so we can plug those into our X and Y calcs to get our coordinates. We’ll need two sets of calculations, one for the starting coordinates and one for the ending coordinates.

Chord_X_Start = if [Side]=”Min” then ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* SIN(2*PI() * [From_SubSection_End])
else ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* SIN(2*PI() * [From_SubSection_Start])

Chord_Y_Start = if [Side]=”Min” then ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* COS(2*PI() * [From_SubSection_End])
else ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* COS(2*PI() * [From_SubSection_Start])

Chord_X_End = if [Side]=”Min” then ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* SIN(2*PI() * [To_SubSection_Start])
else ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* SIN(2*PI() * [To_SubSection_End])

Chord_Y_End = if [Side]=”Min” then ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* COS(2*PI() * [To_SubSection_Start])
else ([Radius]-[Poly_Spacing])* COS(2*PI() * [To_SubSection_End])

These calculations may look complicated, but they’re all relatively simple. They are all using the same distance input (Radius – Poly Spacing), and then depending on if it’s the Min line or the Max line, and if it’s the Start or End of the line, we’re plugging in the appropriate position field (From_SubSection_Start, From_SubSection_End, To_SubSection_Start, and To_SubSection_End).

Those four calculations will give us the 2 remaining sets of coordinates needed to draw our bezier curves. So let’s plug all of our coordinates into the bezier X and Y calculations. But first, we need to calculate [T] to evenly space points along our lines.

T = ([Points]-1)/([Max Point]-1)

Chord_X = ((1-[T])^2*[Chord_X_Start] + 2*(1-[T])*[T]*0+[T]^2*[Chord_X_End])

Chord_Y = ((1-[T])^2*[Chord_Y_Start] + 2*(1-[T])*[T]*0+[T]^2*[Chord_Y_End])

Let’s pause again and make sure our calculations are working as expected.

  • Drag [ShapeType] to filter and filter on “Inner_Lines_Border”
  • Change Mark Type to Line
  • Right click on [Chord_X], drag it to Columns, and when prompted, choose Chord_X without aggregation
  • Right click on [Chord_Y], drag it to Rows, and when prompted, choose Chord_Y without aggregation
  • Drag [From_ID] to Color
  • Drag [To_ID] to Detail
  • Drag [Line_ID] to Detail
  • Right click on [Order], convert to Dimension, and then drag to Path

When finished, your bezier curves should look something like this. There should be two lines for each relationship in your data source.

An image showing what the chord borders should look like

We’re getting close!

Building the Inner Lines

Here’s the fun part. This is the section that really makes this chart unique. And guess what…we already built all of the calculations needed to make this work. Go the sheet you built in the previous section, and change the filter from Inner_Lines_Border to Inner_Lines…I’ll wait. Pretty cool right? These may look like polygons, but really, each of these chords is being “colored” with 1,000 individual lines. Go ahead and click on a few to see for yourself.

This is what one of those chords would look like if we had used 50 lines instead of 1,000.

An image demonstrating how the gradient lines are used

So how does this work? How were we we able to use the same exact calculations for the chord borders, and these inner lines, when all we did was change a filter? It’s all in how we set up the densification table.

For both of these sections, we used the [Points] field in the same way…to calculate the position of each point along the chords. The [Line ID] and [Order] fields are where the magic happens.

Let’s look at the chord borders first.

An image showing how the Order and Line ID fields are used for the chord borders

For these lines, the [Order] field has sequential numbers from 1 to 50, and the [Line ID] field has just two values, 1 and 2. With [Line ID] on Detail, and [Order] on Path, this will draw 2 curved lines.

Now look at the inner lines.

An image showing how the Order and Line ID fields are used for the chord gradients

For these lines, the [Order] field has just two values, 1 and 2, and the [Line ID] field has sequential numbers from 1 to 50 (up to 1,000 in the final chart). In this case, when you put [Line ID] on Detail, and [Order] on Path, it will draw 50 straight lines.

So using the same exact calculations, but getting a little creative with our data source, we can draw both the borders of our chords, and “color” them in. Now let’s bring all of these sections together. We’re almost done!

Building the Final Chart

So now we have all of the calculations done for the four sections of our chart. Time to bring them together. In this viz we have two different Mark Types that we are trying to use together; Polygons and Lines. So we’ll need to use a dual axis and create a calculation for each mark type. All of our sections will share the same Y calculation, but we’ll have an X calculation for the polygon sections, and an X calculation for the line sections. These will all be simple case statements to use the appropriate X and Y values for each section of the chart.


CASE [Shape Type]
WHEN “Inner_Lines” then [Chord_X]
WHEN “Inner_Lines_Border” then [Chord_X]


CASE [Shape Type]
WHEN “Outer_Poly” then [Outer_Poly_X]
WHEN “Line_End_Poly” then [Line_End_Poly_X]


CASE [Shape Type]
WHEN “Inner_Lines” then [Chord_Y]
WHEN “Inner_Lines_Border” then [Chord_Y]
WHEN “Outer_Poly” then [Outer_Poly_Y]
WHEN “Line_End_Poly” then [Line_End_Poly_Y]

Now to build our view. Let’s start with the Line sections.

  • Change Mark Type to Line
  • Right click on [Final_X_Line], drag it to Columns, and when prompted, choose Final_X_Line without aggregation
  • Right click on [Final_Y], drag it to Rows, and when prompted, choose Final_Y without aggregation
  • Drag [From ID] to Detail
  • Drag [To ID] to Detail
  • Drag [ShapeType] to Detail
  • Drag [Line ID] to Detail
  • Drag [Order] to Path

When this part is complete, your chart should look something like this.

An image showing what the chart should look like with the gradient lines

Now, let’s add our polygons.

  • Right click on [Final_X_Poly], drag it to the right of [Final_X_Line] on the Columns shelf, and when prompted, choose Final_X_Poly without aggregation
  • Right click on the green [Final_X_Poly] pill on the columns shelf and select “Dual Axis”
  • Right click on one of the axes, and select “Synchronize Axis”
  • On the Marks Card, go to the Final_X_Poly card and change the Mark Type to Polygon
  • Remove the [To ID] field from Detail
  • Remove the [Line ID] field from Detail
  • Drag the [Unique Relationship] field to Detail

At this point, your chart should look something like this.

An image showing the chart with all 4 sections included

Woohoo, our chart is built! Before we start fine tuning our design, there are a few filters we should add. All of these will improve performance, but one of them is needed to accurately color our chart.

First, for our outer polygons, there are actually a number of identical polygons stacked on top of each other. The way our data is set up, it’s creating one of these polygons for each relationship for each entity. But we only want one polygon per entity. This will not only improve performance, but also fix some weird display issues that happen on Tableau Public. It doesn’t happen all the time, but sometimes when you have multiple identical polygons stacked on top of each other, the curved lines end up looking jagged and weird. So this will help fix that. This filter will include anything that’s not an outer polygon, and only the first outer polygon for each entity. We’ll call this [Single_Outer_Poly_Filter].

Single_Outer_Poly_Filter = [Shape Type]!=”Outer_Poly” or ([Shape Type]=”Outer_Poly” and [To ID]={ FIXED [From ID] : MIN([To ID])})

Drag that to the Filter shelf and filter on True.

This next calculation helps with performance and also ensures an accurate color calculation in the next section. For each of our chords, as it stands now, there are actually two sets of lines stacked on top of each other. That’s because each unique relationship has two rows in our source data (one where Actor 1 is the Source and Actor 2 is the Target, and one where Actor 2 is the Source and Actor 1 is the Target). This calculation will keep all of the records for our two polygon sections, but for the line sections, it will only keep the first occurence of each relationship. Call it [Unique_Relationship_Filter].

Unique_Relationship_Filter = CONTAINS([Shape Type],”Poly”) or (not CONTAINS([Shape Type],”Poly”) and [Unique Relationship Order]=1)

Drag that to the Filter shelf and filter on True.

This last one is purely for performance and is completely optional. Depending on how large this chart will be in your viz, you may not need 1,000 lines to color the chords. You can use a parameter and a calculated field to set the number of lines you want to use. First, create a parameter called [Gradient Lines], set the data type to float, set the max value to 1,000, and set the current value to about 750. Then create a simple calc called [Gradient_Line_Filter].

Gradient_Line_Filter = [Points]<=[Gradient Lines]

Drag this field to the Filter shelf and filter on True. Then, right click on the blue pill, and select “Add to Context”.

Alright, now we’re ready to move on to Design!

Adding Color to the Chart

This part took me a little while to figure out. The goal is to be able to have a unique color for each of the entities, and then have the chord between them, transition from one of the entity’s colors, to the other. We have our [From_ID] field that is a sequential number for each entity, so that’s what we’ll use to color our polygons.

To color our chord borders, we’re going to use a parameter with a value lower than our first [From ID], and I’ll talk more about this a little later on. For now, create a parameter called [Color Range Start], set the data type to Float, and set the current value to .5.

To color the gradient lines, we’ll need a few calculations. The first thing we need to do, is calculate an evenly spaced value between the ID for the Source entity and the ID for the Target entity. For example, if we have a chord going from entity 1 to entity 2, we’ll take the difference of those and divide by the number of lines (1,000). Same thing if we have a chord going from entity 1 to entity 5. Let’s create that calc and call it [Color Step Size].

Color Step Size = ABS([From ID]-[To ID])/([Max Point]-1)

Now we’ll multiply that value by the [Points] field and add it to our [From ID] field to get evenly spaced values between the Source ID and the Target ID. Call this [Step Color Num].

Step Color Num = [From ID] + (([Points]-1)*[Color Step Size])

And finally, a simple case statement to use the [Step Color Num] value for the inner lines, the [From ID] value for the polygons, and the [Color Range Start] value for the chord borders. Call this [Color].


CASE [Shape Type]
WHEN “Inner_Lines” then [Step Color Num]
WHEN “Line_End_Poly” then [From ID]
WHEN “Outer_Poly” then [From ID]
WHEN “Inner_Lines_Border” then [Color Range Start]

Now, on the Marks Card, click on the “All” card. Then, right click on the [Color] field, drag that onto Color, and when prompted, choose Color without aggregation. Notice something kind of funky happens when you add the Color.

An image showing the issue caused by sorting on the color measure

Our Border Lines are rising to the top and crossing over all of the Inner Lines, which is not what we want. The reason this is happening, is that Tableau uses the order of fields on the Marks Card to sort. When we added [Color], it moved to the top of the list of fields on the Marks Card, so that is the first thing being used to sort. Since our Borders all currently have the lowest value of any mark (based on the parameter we created earlier, it should be .5), those lines are coming to the top.

To fix that, on the Marks Card, on the Final_X_Line card, drag the [Color] field all the way to the bottom. The order of the fields on the Marks Card should be as follows to get the correct sorting.

  1. From ID
  2. To ID
  3. Shape Type
  4. Line ID
  5. Order
  6. Color

Now your chart should look something like this.

An image with the color sorting resolved

It’s starting to come together!

Picking the Right Colors

You could use any of the sequential palettes available in Tableau, and they would work just fine. But for my viz, I wanted unique colors for each of the entities, not different shades of the same color. The palette I ended up using is called “Inferno”. You can create any custom palette you would like, but you want to make sure you pick a palette that is “Perceptually Uniform”. There is a lot behind these palettes, but basically it means that each color in your palette is close to the next color, and the amount of change between one color and the next is consistent throughout the entire palette. Here are some great examples of Perceptually Uniform color scales.

Examples of perceptually uniform color palettes

Here is the color palette that I used, and if you’re not sure how to add custom color palettes to Tableau Desktop, here’s an article from the Tableau Knowledge Base.

<color-palette custom=’true’ name=’Inferno’ type=’ordered-sequential’>

















Just a few things to keep in mind when building your palette. I would recommend ordering them in your preferences file from lightest to darkest. Also, on the very last line, add a line for White (#FFFFFF). This is what is used for the chord border color. Also, make sure that you set the type=sequential.

Once you add your custom palette, go ahead and select it from the Color options on the Mark Card. If you ordered your colors from lightest to darkest, you’ll also want to check the “Reversed” box in the color options.

Now that I’ve added my custom palette and applied it to the viz, this is what it looks like.

An image with the custom Inferno palette applied to the chord chart

Just one more note about color. We had built that [Color Range Start] parameter to select a value that can be used for coloring the borders. In my sample data, I only had 5 entities, so the largest value in my [Color] field is 5. When I use .5 in that parameter, it gives me the full color range from my palette, and a white border. If you have more or less entities, that might not be the case. You may need to play with this parameter a bit to make it work correctly for your chart.

If you pick a number that is too low, you will not get the full color range from your palette. This is what it looks like if I set that value to -1.

An image showing the resulte when the color range start value is too low

On the other side of that, if you pick a number that is too high, the white from your palette will start to “bleed” into your chart. This is what it looks like if I set the value to .9

An image showing the result when the color range start value is too high

It’s not an exact science, so just play with that parameter until you have a white border and your full color range. If you don’t have the full color range, increase that parameter value. If the white is bleeding into your chart, decrease that value.

Finishing Touches

We are almost done! Just a few more steps that I would recommend. First, hide the null indicator in the bottom right of the chart, by right clicking on it and selecting “Hide Indicator”. Then clean up your borders and grid lines, and last, but definitely not least, I would recommend creating a calculated field to determine the thickness of your lines. For the gradient lines, we want a very thin line, but for the borders, it should be a little bit thicker. Create a calculated field called [Line Size].

Line Size = If [Shape Type]=”Inner_Lines_Border” then 2 else 1 END

Then, on the Marks Card, on the Final_X_Line card, right click on the [Line Size] field, drag it to Size, and then select Line Size without aggregation when prompted. Then, similar to what we did with Color, drag that field all the way down to the bottom on the Marks card, below [Color]. Again, you can play with these to get the look that you want. Double click on the Size Legend, and play with the slider. This is how mine are set.

An image showing the Line Size legend

And that’s it! We are done! If you have made it this far, please let me know on Twitter or LinkedIn. This was the most complicated topic we’ve covered so far, and I would love to get your thoughts, and to see what you came up with. As always, thanks for reading, and check back soon for more fun Tableau tutorials!